.. 1848 Lancut/PL - 11.5.1904 Wien/A
Romuald von Iszkowski originated from Galicia located today in Poland, a former region of the Austrian Empire. He graduated from the Vienna Technical University in 1871 as an engineer and entered the Donauregulierungs-Kommission then headed by Gustav von Wex (1811-1892). Iszkowski was a member of the Roads and Water department of the Ministry of Interior from 1877 to 1893 where he contributed in particular to river regulation and rehabilitation. He was awarded the Imperial Russian Order of St. Stanislaus of the Second Class in 1891, following works along the border Rivers Vistula and San. From 1893 he organized the Austrian Hydrographical Service for which he was awarded in 1896 the Order of the Iron Crown from the Emperor. He was appointed Ministerialrat in 1897 and thus headed the Water Division in Galicia. Shortly before his premature death, he was elected into nobility.
Iszkowski is known for several papers relating to the determination of river design discharges based on earlier proposals of Robert Lauterburg (1816-1893), the discussion of adequate methods for engineering river improvement, and the consideration of inactive river branches originating from old meander systems. Iszkowski required, among others, that rivers be designed for low discharge conditions in addition to flood flows, to account for both navigation and fishery purposes. The latter item may be considered relevant also in the present times.
Anonymous (1904). Ministerialrat Romuald Iszkowski. Österreichische Monatsschrift des Öffentlichen Baudiensts 10(21): 371; 10(27): 480-481. P
Iszkowski, R. (1884). Inductions-Formeln zur Ermittlung von Normalund Hochwassermengen auf Grund charakteristischer Merkmale der Flussgebiete. Wochenschrift des Österreichischen Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereines 9(4): 25-28; 9(5): 33-36; 9(16): 136-138; 9(17): 146-148; 9(28): 197-198.
Iszkowski, R. (1888). Mittheilungen über das Wesen und die Erfolge der vom königlich bayer.
Bauamtmanne Herrn A. Wolf erfundenen Flussregulierungsmethode. Wochenschrift des Österreichischen Ingenieurund Architekten-Vereines 13(8): 74-76; 13(9): 87-89.
Iszkowski, R. (1898). Beitrag zur Frage der Regulierung geschiebeführender Flüsse mit besonderer Bedachtnahme auf die Verlandung der Altarme. Österreichische Monatsschrift für den Öffentlichen Baudienst 4: 25-27.
Kresser, W. (1988). Entwicklung der hydrologischen Forschung im Donauraum. Wiener Mitteilung 74: 109-127.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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