- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\3.1.1903 La Rochelle/F - 11.4.1992/F\Vincent Bauzil graduated from Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées in 1928 and first was transferred to Indochina, then a French colony, and in 1932 he moved to French Western Africa where he was in charge to improve the delta region of the Niger River. Large works had to be completed in terms of drainage and irrigation to allow for rice and cotton plantations. This project was based on the successful design of reservoirs and canal works, the longest amounting to 150 km. In 1945 Bauzil was appointed head of hydraulic works of the Public Works department of Morocco, then also a French colony until 1956. He thus was involved in the design of various dams in that dry country and succeeded to supply both irrigation waters and electricity that would contribute to a general increase of living quality. The scheme located in the Tadla plain was transformed into an oasis of 150,000 hectares, providing a significant basis for the agricultural goods of the country.\Bauzil is known in agricultural hydraulics for his irrigation book. The main chapters are: Bases of irrigation, Hydraulics and irrigation, Plan and transverse designs of irrigation canals, Water losses, Irrigation dams, Main hydraulic structures, Drainage, Use of groundwater for irrigation, Water distribution, and Organisation of works. This book mainly addressed the practicing engineer who would thus be confronted with the fundamentals of irrigation and drainage engineering.\Anonymous (1955). Vincent Bauzil, Rabat. 5 ICOLD Congress Paris 1: 157. PBauzil, V. (1947). L'hydraulique et l'électrification au Maroc. Travaux 31(5): 219-224; 31(6):273-281.Bauzil, V. (1949). Construction de la galerie d'amenée des eaux de l'Oum-er-Rebia dans la pleine des Abda-Doukkala. Travaux 33(10): 581-589.Bauzil, V. (1952). Traité d'irrigation. Eyrolles: Paris.Bauzil, V. (1955). Programmes généraux d'irrigation et de drainage. Travaux 39(2): 111-119. Bauzil, V., Desgigot, A. (1955). La plaine du Tadla. Travaux 39(2): 159-202.Bauzil, V. (1958). Les travaux d'aménagement de la région du Bas-Rhône et du Languedoc. La Houille Blanche 13(A): 330-351.Bauzil, V. (1978). Vulnérabilité des barrages - Dispositions prises pour assurer leur sécurité. Travaux 62(7/8): 11-24.Coronio, G. (1997). Vincent Bauzil. 250 ans de l'Ecole des Ponts en cents portraits: 199-200.Presses de l'Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées: Paris. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.