- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\5.11.1856 Saint-Omer/F -.. 1917 Paris/F\Gaston Cadart went - as many French engineer - through standard education at Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées. After a stay in Béthune as an ordinary engineer, Cadart was in 1882 transferred to Arras to collaborat with Alfred Flamant (1839-1915) on the Canal de Nord. To obtain a technical input, Cadart visited some canal works in the United States, resulting in some papers published in the Annales des Ponts et Chaussées in the 1880s. On returning to Arras, he then proceeded to the project of the canal. Shortly later, Cadart was asked to move to Rouen where he was involved in the works of the port, then after Marseille the most important French establishment. He thus became a collaborator of Paul Mengin (1837-1909) and made important dredging works on the Seine River. The entire project was described in a large publication of the Annales in 1890. One year later Cadart was appointed chief engineer and he was decorated Cavalier of the Légion d'Honneur.\In 1894, Cadart was transferred to the Lower Pyrenes Department and stationed in Pau. There he was in charge of general engineering works. He was in particular involved in the railway project from Bedous to the Spanish border. The company asked Cadart also the construction of hydropower plants for power supply, resulting in the Eget scheme. After these works were completed, Cadart was appointed General Inspector of the Corps of Roads and Bridges in 1912. Shortly later, he took over the vice-presidency of his corps in Paris. Cadart became seriously ill after World War I had started in 1914 and therefore resigned his position. He passed away shortly later in Paris.\Alexandre, M. (1917). Paroles prononcées à l'occasion du décès de M. Gaston Cadart. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées 87(2): 177-184. PCadart, G. (1885). Enduigement des grands cours d'eau des Etats-Unies à l'aide d'épis en fascinages de nattes et de rideaux en fil de fer. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées 55(3): 464-474. Cadart, G. (1885). Machines à draguer et excavateurs employés dans l'Amérique du Nord. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées 55(2): 218-229.Cadart, G., Barbet, L. (1903). Elements constructifs d'une voie navigable considérée au point de vue de sa capacité de fréquentation et de l'utilisation du matériel de batellerie. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées 71(2): 212-264.De Mas, F.B., Cadart, G. (1898). Grandes chutes des canaux de navigation intérieure. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées 68(1): 318-324.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.