- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\18.11.1919 Paris/F - 8.2.2006 Sceaux/F\Michel-Maxim Carlier was educated at the National Institute of Agronomy and there graduated as an agricultural engineer in 1942. Until 1954 he then was a staff member of its department of agricultural engineering to take over as chairman the department until 1979. From then he was a consultant for agricultural engineering, water and forests. He was Secretary General of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering CIGR, and president of the French National Committee of the International Committee on Large Dams ICOLD. Carlier was a Cavalier of Légion d'Honneur, Officer of the Academic Palms, Officer of the Order of Leopold in Belgium and awarded the Honorary Doctorate from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL in 1987.\Carlier is known for his contributions to hydraulics, particularly for his 1972 book. It is subdivided into the chapters: (1) History, (2) General considerations, (3) Hydrostatics, (4) Kinematics of liquids, (5) Hydrodynamics, (6) Regimes of flow, (7) Liquid current, (8) Orifice flow, (9) Flow across elements, (10) Weir flow, (11) Pipe flow, (12) Free surface flow, (13) Groundwater flow, (14) Similitude in hydraulics, and Appendices. According to the preface of Gaston Réménérias (1907-1984), this book may be considered a continuation of the French tradition in text books, initiated in the early 20th century by Alfred Flamant (1839-1915) and Denis Eydoux (1876-1969). The subject matter is clearly presented with the major issues highlighted both for graduated students and hydraulic engineers. Compared to the Anglo-Saxon and the German languages, relatively few books as those of Carlier are available. His book was therefore a great success in French speaking countries mainly in Central Europe and in Africa.\Anonymous (2006). Michel Carlier. Mairie: Sceaux.Carlier, M. (1968). Machines hydrauliques. Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts: Paris.Carlier, M. (1972). Hydraulique générale et appliquée. Eyrolles: Paris.Carlier, M. (1974). La réglementation française en matière d'inspection et surveillance des barrages. Travaux 58(11): 12-19.Musy, A. (1986). Michel Carlier Dr. honoris causa EPFL. Journée Polytechnique 72: 2932. PStrute, K., Doelken, T. (1982). Michel-Maxim Carlier. Who's who in European institutions and organizations: 116. Who's who: Zurich.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.