- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\10.6.1863 Nice/F - 27.9.1916 Paris/F\Georges-Gustave Dariès graduated in 1883 from Ecole Polytechnique and then entered the Municipal Service of the capital, where he was attached to the water service for the following twenty-five years. Dariès is known for a large water supply scheme from Arve River between the reservoir at St. Cloud and Place des Ternes, which he concluded in 1912. He was a hydraulics professor at Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics, Paris, and published a number of books in hydraulic engineering.\Books of Dariès include Mécanique-hydraulique- thermodynamique published originally in 1896, Calcul des conduites d'eau in 1898, Calcul des canaux et aquéducs in 1899, and Distributions d'eau in 1899. As the titles suggest, these works were prepared for design engineers. Dariès' books are addressed to practicing engineers, with a number of tables where formulae are prepared such that no laborious calculations were needed. The books are also accompanied with examples of Dariès practice, such as Aquéduc de Roquefavour close to Marseille in Southern France, or the famous Canal de l'Ourcq that provided drinking water to Paris from the 18th century, running North from Marne River towards the Seine River. Dariès also provided simplified solutions to the backwater problem that had to be tackled with long computations before computers were available. His books are summary works that allowed for a quick overview on a particular problem and were directed toward design questions and less to research problems. Such books exist also today and, if the price is not exhaustive, may be successful both from the content as also from the selling. Dariès realized that France had a market for his works and therefore filled in a gap.\Anonymous (2007). Georges-Gustave Dariès. Marie 8e Arrondissement: Paris. Personal note. Dariès, G. (1899). Calcul des canaux et aqueducs. Gauthier-Villars et Masson: Paris.Dariès, G. (1908). Calcul des conduites d'eau de petit diamètre. Revue de Mécanique 22(1): 525-536.Dariès, G. (1909). Distributions d'eau. Dunod: Paris.Dariès, G. (1910). Pratique de l'art de construire. Dunod et Pinat: Paris. Dariès, G. (1928). Hydraulique. Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publique: Paris.Dariès, G. (1931). Mécanique, hydraulique, thermodynamique ed.3. Dunod: Paris. Massot, M. (2002). Georges-Gustave Dariès. Mairie de Nice. Personal communication.St. Le Tourneur, B.F. (1965). Dariès Georges. Dictionnaire de biographie française 10: 190,R. d'Amat, R. Limouzin-Lamothe, eds. Letouzey: Paris.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.