- AUSTRIA (see also List of Individuals)\20.10.1900 Innsbruck/A - 15.2.1968 Wien/A\Otto Lanser obtained the civil engineering diploma from Vienna Technical University in 1925. He first moved to the Federal Austrian Railways at the hydropower plant Spullerseewerk. In 1929 he joined the Tyrol county public works where he was in charge of river rehabilitation, such as for the river Inn regulation works between Ried and Putz. After participation in World War II, he directed the hydraulic works for Western Tyrol. As a director of the Hydrographic Central Office in 1950 he coordinated various tasks in terms of snow, air and rainfall observations. Shortly later, he was in charge of the Austrian National dam committee, in which all major dam projects such as Ybbs-Persenbeug, Aschbach or Wallsee on Danube River, or Edling and Feistritz on the Drau river system were considered. He was a Member of the Austrian-Swiss Inn-River Commission and of the International Committee of Large Dams ICOLD. Lanser was appointed Ministerialrat in 1955 and submitted a PhD thesis on "Contributions to hydrology of glacial waters" in 1958 to TU Graz. From 1963 he was a Lecturer at TU Vienna, and in 1966 lectured on the History of modern engineering. Lanser was awarded Grosses Ehrenzeichen der Republik Österreich in 1962 and in 1966 honorary membership of Innsbruck University.\Besides outstanding engineering qualities, Lanser was an expert for questions in highaltitude hydrology. He demonstrated the significance of glaciers in the environment. In addition, he had an interest in the history of engineering throughout his life. The 1953 papers include historical accounts on discharge measurement and sediment transport.\Kresser, W. (1968). Otto Lanser. Österreichische Ingenieur-Zeitschrift 11(5): 192. PLanser, E. (1972). Ministerialrat Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Otto Lanser. Beiträge zur Technikgeschichte des Tirols 4: 10-14. PLanser, O. (1937). Alte Brücken und Mühlen in Tirol. Innsbruck.Lanser, O. (1953). Die bisherige Entwicklung der Geschiebetheorien und Geschiebe-Beobachtungen. Blätter für Technikgeschichte 15: 58-78.Lanser, O. (1953). Zur Geschichte des hydrometrischen Messwesens. Blätter für Technikgeschichte15: 25-57.Lanser, O. (1955). Über Abflussspenden und Hochwässer vergletscherter Einzugsgebiete. Österreichische Wasserwirtschaft 7(5/6): 99-105.Lanser, O. (1958). Réflexions sur les débits solides en suspension des cours d'eau glacières.Association Internationale d'Hydrologie Scientifique IAHS Bulletin 10: 37-43.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.