3.8.1809 Courcelles/F -.. 1895 Chartres/F
Pierre-Lucien Fontaine developed a water-wheel that remained popular in the second half of the 19th century, given a relatively small device, adaptation to variable approach flow conditions and a modest price. From the 1820's most of the turbines were developed in France; the 1802 founded "Journal of the Society for the Advancement of the National Industry" played an eminent role in the development of turbines. Whereas Claude Burdin (1788-1873) remained unsuccessful with his proposal, his pupil Benoît Fourneyron (1802-1867) presented a first turbine that produced energy with a so-called watermotor. During the following 30 years, Fourneyron's original proposal was significantly improved mainly in terms of stability, efficiency and higher hydraulic heads and discharges, given that the hydraulic effect is proportional to the product of the latter two quantities.
Fontaine's turbine design related particularly to conditions with a highly variable approach flow head. To produce an almost constant turbine efficiency, the entire water intake design was lifted or lowered along the upstream side of the wheel. It was stated that one person is needed for this adaptation. Fontaine's colleague, the Baron of Pontoise installed a successful design at a grain mill of his hometown. The wheel axis was made of steel suspended with two heavy lasts. At its top helicoidal toothed wheels allowed the movement of the intake disposition. According to Fontaine his water wheel shaped turbine had an efficiency of 75%. The report of the committee was favorable for Fontaine: He initiated the era of small speed turbines used then extensively in rural conditions.
Armengaud, A. (1858). Roue suspendue à aubes planes. Traité théorique et pratique des moteurs hydrauliques: 128-130. Armengaud: Paris.
Fontaine, P.-L. (1845). Turbines hydrauliques à vannes partielles et à pivot supérieur. Journal de la Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie nationale 44: 947-961.
Fontaine, P.-L. (1845). Turbine hydraulique à vannes partielles et à pivot supérieur. Publication Industrielle des machines outils et appareils 4: 196-210.
Haton, G.O. de la Goupillière (1902). Moteurs hydrauliques. La mécanique à l'Exposition de
1900 12: 8-61. P
Morin, A. (1871). Turbine de Fontaine-Baron. Mécanique pratique : 174-177. Hachette: Paris. http://moulinafer

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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