- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\10.12.1907 Paris/F - 8.5.1996 Clamart/F\André Fortier graduated as an engineer from Ecole Normale Supérieure in physics in 1932, and there submitted a PhD thesis in 1937. He was appointed in 1940 Lecturer in physics at Faculté des Sciences Grenoble, and there promoted to titular professor in 1943. From 1948 to 1978, he was a titular professor in experimental fluid mechanics at Faculté des Sciences, Université de Paris VI, and there directed from 1972 to 1977 the Laboratory of Experimental Fluid Mechanics. His colleague in Paris was Raymond Comolet (1920-1989).\The Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of the Sciences Faculty in Paris was installed in 1939 and taken again into service after World War II. Fortier contributed first to problems in pressurized conduits and in the 1950s took interest in two-phase flows either of air and water, or of suspensions in water flow. His 1967 book summarizes the results. Fortier was a consultant for the ventilation of large highway tunnels, including those of Croix Russe in Lyon, Havre and the Mont-Blanc Tunnel. He was a consultant of Eléctricité de France EDF in matters of hydraulic engineering, a Member of Commission Internationale ISO on discharge measurement, and he presided over the Centre des Hautes Etudes Thermiques et Aéroliques. Fortier was an invited lecturer at the Kyoto IAHR Congress. He was awarded Prix Bazin in 1947 from Académie des Sciences, Paris, elected Officer of the Academic Palms in 1951 and Cavalier of Légion d'Honneur in 1958, and was presented Médaille Richard of the Society for the Encouragement of the National Industry in 1970.\Anonymous (1949). 3 IAHR Congress, Grenoble. La Houille Blanche 4(9/10): 645-646. PBouillant, F. (2004). André-Louis-Aimé Fortier. Personal communication. PFortier, A. (1946). Sur quelques difficultés de mesures des pertes de charge dans les conduites. La Houille Blanche 1(8/10): 311-314.Fortier, A. (1951). Quelques résultats nouveaux sur les pertes de charge singulières. La Houille Blanche 6(B): 598-602.Fortier, A. (1957). Pertes de charge des conduits cylindriques de section non circulaire et de rugosité hétérogène. La Houille Blanche 12(A): 325-331.Fortier, A. (1964). Sur l'influence de l'instabilité des surfaces de discontinuité de vitesse et de la compressibilité du fluide sur les écoulements. 11 IUTAM Congress Munich: 707-712.Fortier, A. (1967). Mécanique des suspensions. Masson: Paris.Fortier, A. (1969). Ecoulements instationnaires dans les conduites. 13 IAHR Congress Kyoto 5(3): 7-37.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.