- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\15.6.1873 Dijon/F - 6.7.1959 Paris/F\Louis Suquet graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in 1893 and from Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées as a civil engineer in 1897. Being placed in Troyes in the Champagne for the Seine River Service until 1905 as an engineer, he was awarded in 1910 the Gold Medal for a paper on the Marne-Saône Canal. In 1905, Suquet moved to the capital for developing the Metropolitan railways and remained there until 1925 when being appointed Inspector General of his Corps. From 1930, Suquet directed Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées and from 1935 he presided over the French Comité consultatif des Forces Hydrauliques until retirement in 1940. Suquet was awarded from the Légion d'Honneur organization the titles Cavalier in 1912 and Commander in 1934.\Suquet devoted his early career mainly to the experimental research of wave movement in rivers. After the basic formulation of unsteady open channel flow had been put forward by Adhémar Barré de Saint-Venant (1797-1886) in 1871, resulting in the so-called Saint-Venant shallow water equations, simplifications were considered to treat unsteady flow features with an engineering approach. Two amenable descriptions were introduced by Charles Kleitz (1808-1886) and Auguste Graeff (1812-1884) in the 1870s. Suquet worked on the lines of the latter two methods to predict the main features of flood propagation on the Saône River. He also worked in questions of hydrometry and hydrology and in 1911 presented a hydraulic problem relating to the Paris underground railway Métro. A son of Suquet contributed in the 1950s a number of papers to the experimental investigation of sea waves.\Anonymous (1936). Internationale Ständige Kommission für Schiffahrts-Kongresse. Zeitschrift PIANC 11(22): Frontispiece. PAnonymous (1959). M. Suquet. La Houille Blanche 14(B): 876.Berton, C. (1998). Suquet. Fulgence Bienvenüe et le Métro de Paris: 190. ENPC: Paris. PMasteau, C. (2004). Jean-Eugène-Louis Suquet. Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées: Paris.Suquet, L. (1903). Note sur un appareil déstiné à épurer les eaux pluviales recueillies dans les citernes. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées 73(2): 302-304.Suquet, L., Changey, X. (1909). Canal de la Marne à la Saône. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées79(2): 26-58.Suquet, L. (1911). Note sur la traversée sous-fluviale de la Seine par la ligne métropolitaine No. 8. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées 81(1): 7-52.Suquet, L. (1919). Le port de Paris. La vie urbaine 1(4): 393-411.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.