- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\10.6.1844 Möckmühl/D - 7.12.1905 Stuttgart/D\Hermann von Ehmann graduated as an engineer from the Stuttgart Polytechnic in 1866. He practiced civil engineering first with his father Carl Christian and developed eventually into a specialist of water supply schemes. The first notable project for water supply of Schwäbisch Alp was presented at the 1873 Vienna Universal Exhibition. It provided drinking water to some 50,000 inhabitants of that normally dry region of Southern Germany and was essential for its industrial development. A second large project involved the Black Forest region in the Southwest of Germany with similar problems as in the first. von Ehmann's final water supply project that was not finished when he had passed away was in the Fildern region South of Württemberg's Capital Stuttgart.\von Ehmann was a general civil engineer with a broad knowledge not only in the art of construction but also in hydraulic machinery used for water transportation and detailed understanding of groundwater hydraulics and geology. All his main projects were located in tablelands with a poor hydraulic retention along with particular soil conditions. In addition to technical problems, von Ehmann also succeeded in the establishment of drinking water communities of a region, a task that appeared to have problems not only today but also in the 19th century. Once a project was concluded, people initially opposing his projects were thankful for his works, and he was awarded the Honorary Citizenship not only from Stuttgart. He was also decorated with a number of Medals such as the Honorary Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown.\Anonymous (1906). von Ehmann. Journal für Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung 41(2): 41-42.Anonymous (1951). Der Schultheiss von Justingen. gwf/wasser 92(24): 334. PBettelheim, A. (1907). Von Ehmann, Hermann. Biographisches Jahrbuch und deutscher Nekrolog 10: 162*. Reimer: Berlin.Ehmann, H. von (1881). Die Versorgung der wasserarmen Alb mit fliessenden Trinkund Nutzwassern und das öffentliche Wasserversorgungswesen im Königreich Württemberg. Königliches Ministerium des Innern: Stuttgart.Mayer, E. (1905). Oberbaurat von Ehmann in Stuttgart. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung25(101): 628-629. PSchickhardt, K.E. (1959). Ehmann, Carl Christian. Neue Deutsche Biographie 4: 349.Duncker&Humblot: Berlin.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.