- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\28.6.1913 Rüstringen/D - 1.7.1974 Paris/F\Ernst Eichelbrenner graduated as a mathematician from Hamburg University in 1943 and earned the PhD title from Sorbonne, Paris in 1955. He was a scientific collaborator of Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales ONERA from 1946 to 1958 and was appointed professor at Poitiers University in 1962. In 1965, he moved as a professor to Université Laval, Quebec, Canada until returning to Paris in 1973. He was heart-ill and ignored the doctors' advice for a calmer life. For Eichelbrenner, there was the simple rule: Either do something or leave it! A procedure of the Berlin Technical University for an Honorary Doctorate came too late. His main professional researches were devoted to aerodynamics.\Eichelbrenner initiated his professional career in France after return as a prisoner of war to Germany. He was interested in spatial flow features particularly relating to three-dimensional boundary layer flow. He thereby adopted the approach of Maurice Roy (1899-1985) relating to flow separation from rigid bodies. Some 70 publications report of the thorough experimental and theoretical work conducted by Eichelbrenner, who analyzed the complex turbulent separation processes. A summary book was prepared, but Eichelbrenner's life was too short for final submission. A number of his pupils such as Dietrich Küchemann (1911-1976) or the Japanese Tani developed his work in the 1970s. Eichelbrenner was awarded the Henry-Bazin-Prize from Académie des Sciences, Paris, in 1965, and the Commonwealth Visiting Professor Award in 1968 at Syracuse University NY, USA; he was an Associate Fellow of AIAA.\Eichelbrenner, E.A., Oudart, A. (1955). Méthode de calcul de la couche limite tridimensionnelle: Application à un corps fuselé incliné sur le vent. Publication ONERA 76. Châtillonsous-Bagneux.Eichelbrenner, E.A. ed. (1972). Recent research on unsteady boundary layers. IUTAM 1971 Symposium. Université Laval: Quebec.Eichelbrenner, M. (2004). Ernst August Eichelbrenner. Personal communication. PGruschwitz, E., Eichelbrenner, E.A. (1950). Calcul approché de la couche limite laminaire en écoulement compressible sur une paroi non conductrice de la chaleur. Publication ONERA 47. Châtillon-sous-Bagneux.Legendre, R., Eichelbrenner, E.A., Baranoff, A. von (1952). Ecoulement transsonique autour d'ailes à forte flèche. Publication ONERA 53. Châtillon-sous-Bagneux.Schaffhauser-Eichelbrenner, U. (2004). Ernst A. Eichelbrenner. Personal communication. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.