- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\13.10.1940 München/D - 21.10.2000 München/D\Adolf Kleinschroth graduated in 1967 from Munich Technical University as a civil engineer and stayed all through his career at its hydraulic laboratory. He submitted a PhD thesis in 1972, was from 1974 a Lecturer, an associate professor from 1980 and later the academic director, with Paul-Gerhard Franke (1918-1996) first, then with his successor Franz Valentin. Kleinschroth lost his life during a tragic accident with his bike in the Bavarian mountains.\Kleinschroth advanced significantly the wastewater hydraulics. After the Italian Carlo Drioli (1902-1997) had proposed the vortex drop structure as early as after World War II, a systematic test program had never been added until Kleinschroth's PhD thesis. Later he extended considerations to vortex drops with a supercritical approach flow. Then, he investigated vortex drop structures for subcritical flow and proposed a final intake geometry that is actually standardized. Kleinschroth also added to the knowledge of drop structures, and aimed to propose a systematic approach for the various types used in hydraulic practice. Kleinschroth shared his professional knowledge with the German societies Deutsche Industrie-Norm DIN and Abwassertechnische Vereinigung ATV, today's ATV-DVWK. He was also the co-author of a similar book as the present, in collaboration with his earlier head Franke that resulted in a biographical dictionary of hydraulicians of the German spoken countries.\Franke, P.-G., Kleinschroth, A. (1991). Kurzbiographien Hydraulik und Wasserbau: Persönlichkeiten aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. Lipp: München.Kleinschroth, A. (1972). Der Abflussvorgang im Wirbelfallschacht. Der Bauingenieur 47: 214- 218.Kleinschroth, A., Koplitz-Weissgerber, G. (1981). Einlaufkonstruktion für Wirbelfallschächte mit schiessendem Zufluss. gwf/Wasser-Abwasser 122(5): 212-215.Kleinschroth, A. (1986). Schiffahrt der bayerischen Herrscher. Geschichtliche Entwicklung der Wasserwirtschaft und des Wasserbaus in Bayern 2: 129-175, L. Strobl, ed. München.Kleinschroth, A. (1991). Hydraulische Modellversuche für Sonderbauwerke der Abwasserkanalisation. Wasserwirtschaft 81(10): 468-473.Merlein, J., Kleinschroth, A., Valentin, F. (2002). Prof. Dr.-Ing. Adolf Kleinschroth. Preface to Systematisierung von Absturzbauwerken. Mitteilung 69. Lehrstuhl und Laboratorium für Hydraulik und Gewässerkunde. Technische Universität: München. PSiegerstetter, L. (2001). Adolf Kleinschroth verstorben. Mitglieder-Rundbrief 1: 50. ATV- DVWK Landesverband Bayern: München. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.