- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\15.2.1871 Oldenburg/D - 29.2.1940 Wilhelmshaven/D\Wilhelm Krüger studied civil engineering at the Technical Universities of Hannover and Berlin. He started his career with the Prussian service in 1896 and moved in 1901 to the harbor works in Wilhelmshaven. He was appointed Baurat in 1907, Oberbaurat in 1911 and was harbor director from 1933. Krüger was awarded in 1932 the Honorary Doctorate from the University of Frankfurt/Main.\Krüger's main work involved the deepening and widening of the entry to the Wilhelmshaven harbor. This important harbor of the German marine was inaugurated in 1869 and depended significantly on the available depth to cope with requirements for larger vessels. A minimum of 10 m depth had to be guaranteed for all times after World War I. The particular problem in Wilhelmshaven was a system of currents in the harbor region that entrained sand from the nearby islands. Krüger relied on hydraulic models to simulate the relevant cases and may be considered a pioneer in coastal engineering, therefore. After a stay at Preussische Versuchsanstalt für Schiffund Wasserbau, he founded the Niedersächsische Landesinstitut für Marschenund Wartenforschung in Wilhelmshaven, which continues to add to coastal research. Krüger's impact may be summarized with three items, therefore, namely his personal research in sediment transport, the promotion of coastal research in general and the technical design of a deep water harbor on the North Sea that is currently the main oil import harbor of Germany.\Anonymous (1936). Dr.phil.h.c. Krüger 65 Jahre. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 56(9): 202. Eckhardt, A. (1940). Marine-Hafenbaudirektor Dr.h.c. Wilhelm Krüger. Werft, Reederei, Hafen 21(9): 128. PHartung, W. (1982). Krüger, Wilhelm. Neue Deutsche Biographie 13: 108. Duncker&Humblot: Berlin.Krüger, W. (1911). Meer und Küste bei Wangeroog und die Kräfte, die auf ihre Gestaltung einwirken. Zeitschrift für Bauwesen 61: 451-463; 61: 584-610.Krüger, W. (1913). Das Seengebiet Oldenburgs. Schünemann: Bremen.Krüger, W. (1921). Die Jade, das Fahrwasser Wilhelmshavens, ihre Entstehung und ihr Zustand. Jahrbuch der Hafenbautechnischen Gesellschaft 5: 268-284.Krüger, W. (1929). The hydraulic experiment station of the navy yard at Wilhelmshaven. Hydraulic laboratory practice: 371-398, J.R. Freeman, ed. ASME: New York. PKrüger, W. (1938). Die Küstensenkung an der Jade. Der Bauingenieur 19: 91-99.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.