- AUSTRIA (see also List of Individuals)\22.10.1921 Wien/A - 3.8.2007 Baden bei Wien/A\Othmar Rescher graduated in 1948 as a civil engineer from the Vienna Technical University and there gained his PhD title in 1950 on a work on concrete dams, which he had completed under Anton Grzywienski (1898-1922). Rescher moved in 1951 to Lausanne and joined Stucky Engineering Company then directed by Alfred Stucky (1892-1969). Rescher was involved during the next ten years in various important Swiss dam designs and executions, among which was Grande Dixence, today still the highest concrete dam. He also spent some time in Iran to investigate optimum locations for hydropower production. From 1964, he was at another engineering company in Lausanne and there designed the pumping power plant Hongrin in the Swiss Alps.\Rescher was in parallel to engineering activities also an assistant first, and from 1954 a Privat–Dozent at Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Lausanne EPUL, today's EPFL. He also took over a lecture in hydraulic engineering from 1959 to 1963. From 1965, after having returned to Austria, Rescher was a Lecturer in dam engineering at Technische Universität Wien TUW. He was appointed in 1971 professor of hydraulic engineering and head of the same Institute. He was from 1977 to 1982 also the Dean of the Department of Civil Engineering. Based on his career, Rescher always had a close relation to problems in engineering practice and therefore was a consultant besides his position at TUW. He thereby was involved in the development of the Wachau reach of Danube River, and in projects of the World Bank mainly in Burma, Nepal, India and Tanzania. Rescher was awarded the French decoration Officier in the Ordre des Palmes Académiques in 1976, and in 1986 the Austrian Honorary Cross for Science and Arts.\Anonymous (2007). Dipl.Ing. Dr.Techn. Othmar Rescher. Technische Universität: Wien. Linsbauer, H.N. (1991). Othmar J. Rescher 70 Jahre. Österreichische Ingenieur- und Architekten-Zeitschrift 136(11): 559-560. PRescher, O.J. (1965). Berechnung und Bemessung von Gewichts-Staumauern. Springer: Berlin. Rescher, O.J. (1990). Hohe Talsperren in Österreich. Österreichische Ingenieur- und Architekten-Zeitschrift 135(1): 4-17.Rescher, O.J., Radler, S., Reismann, W., Frisch, H. (1994). Donauausbau Wien - Staatsgrenze. Österreichische Ingenieurund Architekten-Zeitschrift 139(2): 42-65.Stucky, A., Rescher, O.J. (1962). Druckwasserschlösser von Wasserkraftanlagen. Springer: Berlin.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.