11.9.1859 Wrocław/PL - 23.1.1936 Berlin/D
Ernst Ottmann was educated as a civil engineer at Dresden University of Technology and the Berlin Academy of Construction. From 1890 to 1893 he was involved in the construction of a sluice gate at Parey along the Elbe River. He was transferred in 1895 to the government of Posen, todays Poznań in Poland, where he contributed to the flood protection works of that city. From 1897 to 1899 he was again in the west of Germany in Rinteln to improve the harbor on Weser River. Later, he was in Düsseldorf to improve the shoreline of Rhine River. After a successful conclusion, Ottmann was in charge of three harbor works in Duisburg. As a Wasserbau-Inspektor, Ottmann was then occupied with the flood protection of the city of Duisburg from 1901, being appointed Baurat of the German government from 1905. As an Oberbaurat from 1908, Ottmann was transferred to the Canal Direction of Hannover, where he designed the reach from the Ems-Canal to Hannover of the Mittellandkanal, one of Germany's large canal works completed shortly later. Ottmann's particular contribution to this reach was the lock structure towards the Weser River at Minden.
Ottmann was transferred in 1915 to the Ministry of Public Works to add to the River Rhine department. As a Geheimer Oberbaurat from then, he saw the reorganization of the German hydraulic department to the newly founded Reich after World War I. From 1920, then as a Ministerialdirektor up to his retirement in 1923, Ottmann directed the waterways department. Besides, Ottmann is also known for the historical publication on Gotthilf Heinrich Ludwig Hagen (1797-1884), the great German master of hydraulics in the 19th century. Ottmann was awarded the Honorary Doctorate from Aachen Technical University in 1920 and elected to a Member of Berlin Bauakademie in 1922.
Anonymous (1928). Ministerialdirektor a.D. Ottmann 70 Jahre alt. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 48: 606.
Grochtmann, H., Bayer, J. (1925). Die Duisburg-Ruhrorter Häfen. Deutsche Wasserwirtschaft
20(5): 97-102.
Ottmann, E., Loebell, A. (1906). Regierungsbezirk Düsseldorf: Erweiterung des Ruhrorter Hafens. Thiel: Duisburg-Ruhrort.
Ottmann, E. (1908). Die Duisburg-Ruhrorter Häfen. Steinkamp: Duisburg.
Ottmann, E. (1934). Gotthilf Hagen: Der Altmeister der Wasserbaukunst. Ernst: Berlin. Thierry, G. de (1936). Ministerialdirektor Dr.-Ing.E.h. Ottmann. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 56(6): 128-129. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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