7.3.1886 Wrocław/PL - 3.12.1967 Berlin/D
Kurt Pantell gained the title of doctor of sciences in 1924 and submitted in 1931 a habilitation thesis to the Technical University of Berlin TUB. He then stayed at its Institute of Hydraulic Machinery which was renamed Hermann-Föttinger Institut of Fluid Mechanics of TUB, to commemorate Hermann Föttinger (1877-1945), who there initiated research in this field. Pantell was appointed in 1944 honorary professor of hydro-machinery at Berlin Technical University and in 1948 there promoted to associate professor, from where he retired in 1955.
Pantell was an early collaborator of Föttinger who had been a professor from 1924. The Institute was taken over in 1946 by Rudolf Wille (1911-1973) and Pantell. Whereas Wille was responsible for fluid mechanics, his colleague Pantell was attached to turbo machinery including both turbines and pumps. The latter was known for several books on these topics, namely in the Handwörterbuch where he contributed the articles on rotary pumps, and on turbines for hydropower production. These hydraulic elements were important in the developing hydropower industry and were comparatively late considered in research. Pantell may therefore be considered an expert in pump design, with contributions for the wheel design. He also analyzed the effect of the blade number on the pump efficiency, and made proposals for a better usage in practice. After World War II, Pantell investigated the optimum arrangement of blades in turbo machinery and proposed a novel design for wind turbines for power generation.
Pantell, K. (1925). Beitrag zur Theorie der Kreiselpumpen und Flügelradturbinen. Deutsche Wasserwirtschaft 20(9): 204-209.
Pantell, K. (1933). Laufradberechnungen für Kaplan-Turbinen. Wasserkraft und Wasserwirtschaft 28(21): 241-245.
Pantell, K. (1935). Kreiselpumpen. Handwörterbuch der gesamten Technik 2: 35-39. R. Koch, Kienzle, eds. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt: Stuttgart.
Pantell, K. (1936). Einfluss der Laufschaufelanzahl auf die Wirkungsweise von Kreiselpumpen. Wasserkraft und Wasserwirtschaft 31(9): 97-103.
Pantell, K. (1938). Die Schaufelform der Turbo-Arbeitsmaschinen. Wasserkraft und Wasserwirtschaft 33(9/19): 99-102.
Pantell, K. (1957). Zur Schaufelkonstruktion der Turbomaschinen. Konstruktion 9(2): 55-57. Poggendorff, J.C. (1953). Pantell, Kurt. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch 7a: 502; 8: 1989. Akademie-Verlag: Berlin, with bibliography.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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