- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\17.6.1910 Mühlheim/D - 26.6.1982 Göttingen/D\Friedrich Riegels graduated in 1934 from Göttingen University and submitted there a PhD thesis in 1936 based on collaboration with Ludwig Prandtl (1875-1953). From 1943 he headed the Institute of Theoretical Aerodynamics, then one of the six institutes of Aerodynamische Versuchsanstalt AVA. Following the loss of AVA after World War II, most of the 700 collaborators were dismissed. Riegels continued at the Max-Planck-Institute then headed by Albert Betz (1885-1968). During the mid 1950s, AVA was reinstalled, with Riegels as the head of the aerodynamic department. In 1966, Riegels was appointed Scientific Member of Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and directed from 1969 the Institute of Fluid Mechanics.\Riegels contributed mainly to corrections to be applied to wind tunnels because of finite jet dimensions. His research on the theory of wing profiles is also noteworthy. The 1958 book gives a full account on these works. Riegels is also known for his research on the flow about bodies of revolution and across hydraulic grids. He sought development of the numerical models by a combination of potential flows with the boundary layer characteristics. Riegels in addition was at the forefront in developing low-velocity wind tunnels. He edited the three volumes containing the Collected works of Ludwig Prandtl, next to institute reports on the history of the Göttingen developments in fluid mechanics in general and AVA in particular. Once Hermann Schlichting (1907-1982) had passed away, Riegels took responsibility for the famous boundary layer book.\Anonymous (1982). Friedrich Riegels. Jahrbuch Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft 76: 646-647. Riegels, F.W. (1958). Aerodynamische Profile: Windkanal-Messergebnisse: Theoretische Grundlagen. Oldenbourg: München.Riegels, F.W. (1969). Forschungsarbeiten der Abteilung Aerodynamik. Die Aerodynamische Versuchsanstalt Göttingen 1945-1969: 25-62. AVA: Göttingen. PRiegels, F.W. (1971). Laminare und turbulente Grenzschichten: Bericht über die Sitzung des Fachausschusses‚ Hydro-. Aeround Gasdynamik, Göttingen'. Mitteilung 71/13 Deutsche Luftund Raumfahrt: Porz-Wahn.Rotta, J. (2003). Riegels, Friedrich Wilhelm. Neue Deutsche Biographie 21: 578-579.Duncker&Humblot: Berlin.Schlichting, H. (1975). Friedrich Wilhelm Riegels 65 Jahre. Zeitschrift Flugwissenschaften23(6): 211-212. PSchlichting, H., Riegels, F.W. (1982). Grenzschicht-Theorie, ed. 8. Braun: Karlsruhe.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.