7.3.1848 Erfurt/D - 18.9.1934 Liegnitz/D
Johannes Rudloff graduated as a marine engineer from the Berlin Gewerbe-Akademie and then had to participate in the Franco-Prussian War. From 1871 he continued with the German marine in Kiel where he was promoted in 1876 to engineer and to head of the shipyard school. From 1880 Rudloff was involved in the design of various ships both at Stettin and in Kiel and lectured in parallel at the Kiel marine school. He was appointed in 1893 Baurat stationed at Wilhelmshaven and transferred as an Oberbaurat to the National Marine Office in Berlin. He left service in 1906 to accept a position of professor of naval engineering at Berlin Technical University, where he had lectured from 1902, and from where he retired in 1913. Rudloff was decorated in 1923 with the Honorary Doctorate from Berlin Technical University; he was a founding member and a later vice-president of the Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft STG and in 1923 awarded its Honorary Membership. Rudloff was also an Honorary Member of Verein Deutscher Ingenieure VDI and known for a historical paper on warships.
Rudloff was involved in the design and execution of the five liners of the Wittelsbach, the Braunschweig, and the Deutschland classes. He was particularly known for his designs of warships among which were several armored cruisers and the famous cruiser Panther. Rudloff had a pioneering influence in matters relating to warship development. As a Member of STG he published most of his reports in their year books and was often presenting research results in meetings of the association. During his stay at Berlin as the chief engineer of ship design, he developed ships such as Emden, Scharnhorst or Gneisen directed for the Kaiser's fleet and extensively employed during World War I.
Anonymous (1918). Wirkl. Geheimer Oberbaurat Prof. Johannes Rudloff. Umschau 22: 212. P
Anonymous (1928). Zum 80. Geburtstag Geheimrat Rudloffs. Werft, Reederei, Hafen 9(6):
124. P
Anonymous (1934). Geheimrat Prof. Dr.Ing.e.h. Joh. Rudloff. Werft, Reederei, Hafen 15(19):
279. P
Anonymous (1934). Dr.-Ing.E.h. Johannes Rudloff. Schiffbau 25(19): 312. P
Presze, P. (1933). Johannes Rudloff. Schiffbau 34(5): 105-106. P
Rudloff, J. (1910). Die Einführung der Panzerung im Kriegsschiffbau und die Entwicklung der ersten Panzerflotten. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie 2: 1-57.
Rudloff, J. (1923). Betrachtungen über Widerstand und Antrieb von Schiffen. Schiffbau
24(7/8): 92-96; 24(27/28): 442-445; 24(39): 613-616; 24(43): 681-686.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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