- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\9.12.1891 Kempten/D - 26.4.1980 Hamburg/D\Georg Schnadel's studies were interrupted by World War I; he obtained the diploma of naval engineering from Danzig University in 1920. He started his career at the Danzig dockyard and moved in 1922 to the German docks of Wilhelmshaven-Rüstringen. Schnadel submitted his PhD thesis in 1925 and his habilitation thesis in 1926 to Danzig University. He was appointed professor of naval elements at Berlin University two years later. In parallel he was from 1938 Council member of the German Lloyd and from 1940 a Board Member of Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft STG, Germany's famous naval association founded in 1900. He was elected rector of his university in the difficult year 1945. Schnadel left Berlin in the same year, however, to rebuild the German Lloyd in Hamburg. In 1950 the banned STG was reinstalled by Schnadel who then took over the chair until 1960. From 1952 Schnadel was a professor of naval architecture at Hamburg University.\Schnadel was less the researcher but mainly the promoter, organizer and the advocate of naval architecture in Germany. He was able to keep up the STG almost for two decades despite World War II forced Germany to break up all those professional associations. As a professor Schnadel was mainly interested in the statics of naval elements, such as torsion effects, the static resistance of an entire vessel and its force distributions, which he investigated during prototype tests in the Atlantic. Schnadel was an Ehrensenator of Berlin University, an Honorary Doctor of Hannover University and STG awarded him the Silver and the Gold Medals for his significant services. He was also awarded the Golden Ring of Merit from Deutsches Museum, Munich, and the Great Cross of Merits from the Federal Republic of Germany in 1959.\Anonymous (1980). Georg Schnadel. Jahrbuch Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft 74: 444- 445.PAnonymous (1980). Prof. Georg Schnadel gestorben. Schiff und Hafen 32(5): 22.Illies, K. (1976). Georg Schnadel, Prof. Dr.-Ing. E.h. 85 Jahre. Schiff und Hafen 28(11): 1168. PKeil, H. (1991). 100 Jahre Georg Schnadel. Jahrbuch Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft 85: 491-493. PPoggendorff, J.C. (1936). Georg Schnadel. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch 6: 2348; 7a: 191-192; 8: 2148. Verlag Chemie: Leipzig, Berlin, with bibliography.Schnadel, G. (1928). Die Festigkeit von Schiffsverbänden. Schiffbau 29(22): 544-547. PSchnadel, G. (1954). Forschung im Schiffbau vor dem Kriege und die Tätigkeit der British Shipbuilding Research Association. Schriftenreihe des Seeverkehrsbeirats 5: Hamburg.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.