- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\21.11.1851 Heilsberg/RU - 16.9.1916 Potsdam/D\Oskar Teubert graduated as a civil engineer from Karlsruhe Polytechnic School in 1874. He returned as a Bauführer to his native county Eastern Prussia to collaborate with Julius Schlichting (1834-1894). First works related to the rehabilitation of Memel River. Teubert moved to Magdeburg in charge of the Elbe River in the early 1880s. There he analyzed the hydrologic and hydraulic flow characteristics needed for future engineering works. He sought to detract generalized results from these observations, yet realized that each river has its own particular features. As a Wasserbauinspektor from 1887 he was transferred to Bromberg at Vistula River, today located in Poland. He was awarded the Order of the Red-Eagle for having protected the city from the disastrous 1888 spring flood. In 1890 he was conferred the direction of the hydraulic office in Diez at River Lahn close to Frankfurt/Main; two years later he took the same position in Gumbinnen on River Memel and from 1894 he was in charge of the lower Havel River close to the capital. A key project designed by Teubert was the Teltow Canal connecting the Havel with the Spree River. The works along the 6 km long waterway were completed in 1906. Teubert started the design of the Märkische Wasserstrasse, a canal system around the capital, yet had to retire shortly later because of poor health condition.\The particular contribution of Teubert to the profession was his 1912 book on inland navigation. It is a summary of the European knowledge at the beginning of the 20th century. A bridge along the Teltow-Kanal is named after Teubert.\Sievers, J. (1916). Oskar Teubert. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 36(77): 511-512. PTeubert, O. (1884). Die Bestimmung von Normalprofilen für die Elbe von der sächsischpreussischen Grenze bis Geesthacht, mit Rücksicht auf die für Schiffahrt zu erfüllenden Anforderungen. Bänsch: Magdeburg.Teubert, O. (1894). Die Verbesserung der Schiffbarkeit unserer Ströme durch Regulierung. Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung 14(21A): 221-225.Teubert, O. (1912). Die Binnenschiffahrt. Ingenieur-Handbuch 1. Engelmann: Leipzig. Teubert, O. (1913). Die deutsche Binnenschiffahrt von 1888 bis 1913. Zeitschrift für Schiffbau 14(19): 801-809; 14(20): 841-851; 14(21): 887-898.Teubert, O., Teubert, W. (1932). Die Binnenschifffahrt. Ein Handbuch für alle Beteiligten.Engelmann: Leipzig.Teubert, W. (1930). Deutsche Seeund Binnenhäfen. Deutscher Kommunal-Verlag: Berlin.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.