WINTER Hermann

WINTER Hermann
30.8.1897 Neukloster/D - 14.9.1968 Braunschweig/D
Hermann Winter started his studies in aviation after active participation in World War I at the Technical University of Berlin. At this time he designed a tailless glider to participate in various national and international model flight competitions. After five years of practice, Winter submitted a PhD thesis to the Technical University of Danzig in 1934. From 1936 he collaborated with Fieseler Aviation in Kassel and participated in the design of the Fieseler Storch, a noteworthy airplane especially for low-speeds. Winter was appointed professor of aviation at the Technical University of Braunschweig in 1938 and took particularly interest in the material wood in airplane design. After World War II he continued his duties in Braunschweig by contributing to the statics of airplanes. In the 1950s he presented his book on lowspeed flight and gliding. Winter retired in 1960 but continued lecturing. He was also related to the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure VDI and collaborated to the section lightweight construction.
Winter was at the forefront of re-establishing the German Research Institution of Flight after World War II had practically all destroyed. As the head of the Braunschweig branch of DFL he investigated in particular materials that withstood the turbulent flow in aviation. However, his name will be remembered for the efforts in flying at the minimum speed, in contrast to those whose aim was to be faster than all others, and add to the speed dream of the human mind.
Anonymous (1957). Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Winter. Flugwelt 9(8): 616-617.
Poggendorff, J.C. (1953). Winter, Hermann. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch 7a: 1029-1030; 8: 2371. Akademie-Verlag: Berlin, with bibliography.
Seydel, E. (1962). Hermann Winter 65 Jahre. Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften 10(8): 322. P
Thielemann, W. (1968). Hermann Winter. Jahrbuch DGLR: 403-404. Winter, H. (1949). Segelflug und Langsamflug. Wenzel: Braunschweig.
Winter, H., Flamm, A. (1953). Mahlversuche an einer Fuller-Peters-Mühle. Brennstoff-Wärme-Kraft 5(2): 45-49; 5(3): 77-79. P
Winter, H. (1958). A survey on the practical training at German Universities. Braunschweig. Winter, H. (1960). Bibliographie der Veröffentlichungen über den Leichtbau und seine Randgebiete im deutschen und ausländischen Schrifttum. Springer: Berlin. http://www

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