8.9.1875 Örszentmiklós/H - 21.9.1934 Budapest/H
Once Elemér Sajó had graduated as a civil engineer he contributed to the execution of a lock of the Bács Canal in Óbecse of the Tisza River catchment. He was also involved in the design of the canalization of Béga River in today's Serbia and on various arms of the Danube River. Later, he was in charge of the design and the execution of the Danube harbor for the capital. From 1929 he was in the Ministry of Agriculture where he added to the rehabilitation of Lake Balaton and where he investigated the design of hydraulic structures. In 1930 Sajó was appointed head of the hydraulics structures section of the Ministry, yet passed away shortly later.
Sajó considerably added to the Hungarian water resources management mainly by his review of activities to be done after World War I, when his country became independent from Austria yet had a significantly reduced surface. From 1930, when at the Ministry, he presented various papers in the Reports of the Agricultural Ministry on questions relating to irrigation, to fishery and land drainage. During his earlier career Sajó was particularly involved in river engineering works relating both to Hungary's largest river and to its main harbor. As for any inland country, these harbors were and still are fundamental for the life both during peace and war times. Most of the imports and exports of these countries occur by that infrastructure. In the 1930s Sajó also presented a report on the future role of Hungarian waters both in terms of agriculture and flood protection. His memorandum was the basis of Hungarian water politics over decades. According to his collaborator Hugo Lampl (1883-1976) Sajó has rendered a significant contribution to the later wealth of Hungary.
Anonymous (1969). Sajó Elemér. Magyar életrajzy lexikon 2: 561. Akadémiai Kiadó: Budapest.
Lampl, H. (1969). Elemér Sajó. Vízügyi Közlemények 51(4): 427-434. P
Mayer, K. (1934). Elemér von Sajó. Vízügyi Közlemények 16(4): 545-548. P
Sajó, E. von (1931). Denkschrift über die gesteigerte Ausnutzung unserer Gewässer, sowie Richtlinien für unsere neue Wasserwirtschaftspolitik. Budapest (in Hungarian).
Sajó, E. von (1931). Über die Bewässerung. Ministry of Agriculture: Budapest (in Hungarian). Sajó, E. von (1931). Emlékirat. Vízügyi Közlemények 12(1): 7-89.
Sajó, E. von (1933). Neuere Studien über die Bewässerung. Ministry of Agriculture: Budapest (in Hungarian).
Sajó, E. von (1934). Die ungarischen Szik-Böden. Ministry of Agriculture: Budapest (in Hungarian).

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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