20.5.1893 Miskolc/H - 12.4.1980 Philadelphia/USA
Paul (Pál) H. Schweitzer received his engineering training from the Technical University of Budapest, Hungary, where he was graduated as a mechanical engineer in 1917. He received a doctorate from the Dresden University in Germany in 1925 after having moved in 1920 to the USA. Two years later Schweitzer was appointed associate professor of engineering research at the State College of Pennsylvania, University Park, attaining the rank of professor in 1936. After retiring in 1958 he was a consultant, a technical writer and a lecturer abroad.
Schweitzer was an authority in internal combustion engines, as well as with diesel and hybrid engines. He conceived the idea of using jet pumps to boost oil pump inlets in order to raise the altitude ceiling of aircraft engines. After a highly productive career he left over a hundred of technical papers, a book on Diesel engines, and he was granted nearly twenty US and foreign patents. He was also interested during these works in the disintegration process of liquid jets. It is well known that such a jet does not remain compact when issued for instance into the air. Depending on the jet diameter and the jet speed, plus the material constants such as the fluid viscosity and surface tension, each jet disperses and finally disintegrates into a spray. This effect may be considered useful or not, such as for energy dissipators on the one hand, and during the fire combat on the other. The current high pressure jet technology is largely based on works conducted from the 1930s to the 1950s, such as those considered here. Schweitzer joined the American Association of Mechanical Engineers ASME in 1933 and became a Fellow in 1967. He was an Honorary Member of the Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers and he belonged also to AAAS, SAE and Sigma Xi.
Anonymous (1926). Paul H. Schweitzer. Mechanical Engineering 48(11a): 1382. P
Anonymous (1981). Paul Henry Schweitzer. Mechanical Engineering 103(5): 81.
Anonymous (2002). Schweitzer, Pál. Magyar Nagylexikon 15: 897. Akademiai Kiadó: Budapest.
De Juhasz, K.J., Zahn, O.F., Schweitzer, P.H. (1932). On the formation and dispersion of oil sprays. State College: Pennsylvania.
Schweitzer, P.H. (1926). The tangent method of analysis for indicator cards of internal combustion engines. Pennsylvania State College: State College.
Schweitzer, P.H. (1937). Penetration of oil sprays. Pennsylvania State College: State College. Schweitzer, P.H. (1937). Mechanism of disintegration of liquid jets. Journal Applied Physics 8(8): 513-521.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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