17.9.1863 Frankenberg/D - 23.2.1921 Wien/A
Wilhelm Trabert graduated in 1888 as a physicist from University of Vienna to enter Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie in 1890 as an assistant. There, he was appointed scientist in 1899 and secretary in 1900. Trabert submitted a Habilitation Thesis to University of Vienna in 1893 and was there an associate professor of meteorology from 1901. In 1902 he moved to the University of Innsbruck to return in 1909 as an ad interim director of the Zentralanstalt. From 1909 to 1915 Trabert was then its director and in parallel professor of geodynamics at Vienna University. He was elected Member of the German Academy Leopoldina, was a Hofrat from 1914 and passed away after World War I.
The Austrian Emperor Franz Josef established in 1851 the Zentralinstitut in Vienna. From 1865, the Institute began issuing daily weather charts, daily telegraphic weather reports, with the forecast for the following day from 1877. After the first director Kreil, a number of outstanding directors followed, among which mention might be made of Trabert, Felix Exner (1876-1930), Wilhelm Schmidt (1883-1936) and Heinrich Ficker (1881-1957). Trabert is particularly known for his books on meteorology, the first of which was published in the popular Göschen Series which was finally followed by the 4th edition in collaboration with Albert Defant (1884-1974), another great meteorologist of the early 20th century.
Anonymous (1902). Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Trabert. Illustrierte Aeronautische Mitteilungen 6(3): 107. P
Anonymous (1999). Trabert, Wilhelm. Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie 10: 67.
Trabert, W. (1893). Die Vertheilung der Niederschlagsmengen im Donaugebiete. Lechner: Wien.
Trabert, W. (1893). Die cubischen Niederschlagsmengen im Donaugebiete. Lechner: Wien.
Trabert, W. (1896). Meteorologie. Göschen: Leipzig.
Trabert, W. (1905). Meteorologie und Klimatologie. Deuticke: Leipzig.
Trabert, W. (1911). Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik. Teubner: Leipzig. Trabert, W., Defant, A. (1916). Meteorologie. Göschen: Berlin.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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