13.1.1873 Utrecht/NL - 2.11.1940 Leiden/NL
Rudolf Pieter van Royen started in 1892 a military career and in parallel was educated at the Military Academy of Breda. He moved to Amsterdam in 1901 where he was occupied with the city's drinking water supply. He realized that drinking water was available provided sufficiently deep bore holes were drilled close to the city. A pumping station was thus erected that supplied additional water to the rapidly growing city. van Royen's 1905 paper reports of the works made during this time. Following this successful project, he was awarded the title of Cavalier in the Order of Oranje-Nassau in 1907.
Van Royen presented in 1912 a booklet on water distribution, in which he summarized the then standard procedure of urban water supply and distribution, and added his experience gained with the city of Amsterdam. In 1916, van Royen was appointed head of the Amsterdam water supply service and thus succeeded Johan Pennink (1853-1936), a position he held until 1937. After World War I, van Royen's first project was to improve Amsterdam's water leakage from the drinking water network that had taken damage during the war and had to be improved within the center of the city. In addition, the water supply capacity had to be rapidly increased to cope water shortage in the city until 1924. van Royen published various technical articles in the Dutch engineering journal De Ingenieur which was founded in 1886 and counts still among the active European national engineering journals. van Royen was a Member of its Editorial Board and was in addition active with the standardization of water supply. He also served as a section chairman of the first Wegencongress in 1915, held in Den Haag, an association existing until these days. van Royen was also involved as Co-Editor of the Dutch journal Water, issued from 1917 and mainly considering chemical and hygienic aspects of drinking water issues.
Anonymous (1935). Royen, Rudolph Pieter van. Wie it dat 3: 319. Nijhoof: s'Gravenhage. Reigersman, C.J.A. (1940). Rudolf Pieter van Royen. De Ingenieur 55(50): A445-A447. P Royen, R.P. van (1905). Waterbeweging in den bodem. De Ingenieur 20(51): 853-860.
Royen, R.P. van (1905). Mededeeling betreffende de Werken ten behoeve van de drinkwatervoorziening in de stelling van Amsterdam. De Ingenieur 20(45): 728-754.
Royen, R.P. van (1938). Standardization of water meters: Discussion of the Dutch specifications. Journal American Water Works Association 30(4): 643-646.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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