28.9.1881 Bodø/N - 10.1.1956 Oslo/N
Christian Fredrik Grøner was educated as a civil engineer at the Norway Technical University in Trondheim. He founded in 1921 his consultant company in Oslo and soon became the reputation as an outstanding hydraulic engineer. He was therefore involved in the design and the execution of a number of Norwegian power plants, among which may be mentioned those of Skjerka, Hol I, Finså or Raudalen. Besides, Grøner was also internationally active, particularly with International Committee of Large Dams ICOLD, founded in 1933 and where his son was the president from 1973 to 1976.
Today's Statkraft Grøner is a merger of the consulting companies Statkraft Engineering AS and Grøner AS. The latter was established in 1921 as a privately owned engineering consultancy by Grøner. Norway's leading company was involved in the design and the execution of a number of dams, including 40 m high Raudalen Dam in the Otta Region, the 47 m high Langli Dam in the Lysakerelv Region, or the 48 m high Juvvatn Dam in the Sauda Region. Grøner was further involved in the design and in the execution of the first Norwegian reinforced arch dam. He was awarded in 1934 the Engineering Sam Eydes honorable price for excellent engineering works in Norway. Statkraft Engineering AS was originally the design department of Statkraft SF, Norway's state owned power producer with ownership in more than ninety hydropower stations with an installed capacity of about 9,000 MW. Statkraft Engineering became a separate consultant in 1993 and merged with Grøner AS in 2000. Today, the shares of Statkraft Grøner are owned to 92% by Statkraft SF and by 8% by the employees. The three sons of Grøner followed his footsteps as civil engineers joining the Grøner company.
Anonymous (1973). Grøner, Christian Fredrik. Aschehougs Konversations-Leksikon 8: 206-207.
Grøner, C.F. (1932). Diaphragm protects Ringedal Dam. Engineering News-Record 109: 498-499. Grøner, C.F. (1933). Method of repair and preservation of dams as used in the Ringedals Dam,
Tyssefaldene, Hardanger, Norway. 1 ICOLD Congress Stockholm Q1(R40): 113-140. Grøner, C.F. (1933). Inntaksdam ved storlivann for Saudefaldenes Anlegg III. Teknisk Ukeblad 81(26): 331-335.
Grøner, C.F. (1971). 50 år Grøner A/S. Grøner AS: Oslo.
Grøner, F. (2006). Christian Fredrik Grøner. Personal communication. P
Lid, J., Riis, J., eds. (1951). Grøner, Christian Fredrik. Studentene fra 1901 - Biografiske opplysninger samlet til 50-års jubileet 1951: 72-73. Oslo. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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