- POLAND (see also List of Individuals)\14.10.1898 Warszawa/PL - 9.9.1944 Warszawa/PL\Kazimierz Wóycicki graduated as a civil engineer from the Warsaw Polytechnic in 1922 continuing as a hydraulic engineer in Poland. He received in 1929 a foreign students' fund and moved to Switzerland to join the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering of ETH Zurich, then directed by Eugen Meyer-Peter (1883-1969). He therefore was the first PhD student of the Institute whose hydraulic laboratory was taken into service in 1930. In 1931, Wóycicki returned to Poland and accepted the position of Lecturer at the Warsaw Politechnic. He became eventually an expert in hydraulics and hydrology and contributed to sewer technology. In 1937, Wóycicki was appointed professor of hydraulic engineering at his Alma Mater. Following the Nazi invasion to Poland, the living conditions changed dramatically and ultimately led also to the death of Wóycicki during the Warsaw Uprising.\The PhD thesis of Wóycicki is a notable contribution to the hydraulic jump. By applying the momentum equation, the ratio of the sequent depths was predicted, as demonstrated by Jean-Baptiste Bélanger (1790-1874) and experimentally verified by Arnold Gibson (1878-1959), among others. Of particular interest are the length scales of the classical hydraulic jump, corresponding to a jump on a horizontal rectangular channel for an inviscid fluid. Wóycicki observed that this length divided by the increase of flow depth across the jump is almost constant and equal to 7.5. He then analyzed the roller flow of a hydraulic jump for both the free and the submerged gate outflow. He also investigated the velocity distribution within the roller and compared the results for the two flow conditions. Wóycicki finally presented data for the length of the submerged jump and the contraction coefficient of gate flow. Other works conducted in Poland relate to sideweir flow and to wastewater technology and hydrology.\Komorowska, G. (2003). Kazimierz Wóycicki. Personal communication. Library: Warszawa. P Mikulski, Z. (2002). Kazimierz Wóycicki. Gospodarka Wodna 63(1): 9 (in Polish). P Wóycicki, K. (1931). Wassersprung, Deckwalze und Ausfluss unter einer Schütze. Nakład Polskiej Akademij Nauk Technicznych: Warszawa.Wóycicki, K. (1932). Studie über den Hauptregenüberlauf des Warschauer Stadtsielnetzes an der Hand eines Laboratoriumsmodells an der Polytechnik in Warschau. Gaz i Woda 12(7/9): 349-357 (in Polish with Summary in German).Wóycicki, K. (1954). Water supply systems. Budownictwo I Architektura: Warszawa (in Polish).
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.