10.4.1880 Berneck/CH - 22.5.1945 Zürich/CH
Jakob Huber graduated as a civil engineer from the Swiss Polytechnic, today's ETH, in 1905. He then moved first to the River Office in Liegnitz, then in Germany and today in Poland for three years and continued as an engineer with Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg MAN in Gustavsburg for two years. Upon returning to his home country in 1910, he joined Stauwerke AG in Zürich and from 1912 was with Rheinbauleitung in Diepoldsau, where the Alpine Rhine was then rehabilitated.
In 1914, Huber founded together with his colleague Lutz, whom he knew from his stay in Zurich, an engineering company that specialized in the design, the construction and the erection of hydraulic elements. They particularly were known for automatic flap gates and so-called roof weirs both for relatively small discharges and hydraulic heads. The two obtained a good reputation, first in Switzerland and then all over Europe, where their works regulated and controlled smaller hydropower plants and hydrometric stations. They were for instance the furnishers of the Wettingen power plant inaugurated in the early 1930s. A larger work was erected in Algeria and a roof weir was shipped to Texas, USA, having three openings each 26 m wide for a head of 3.6 m. For the latter Paul Baumann (1892-1982) served as technical agent. During World War II, the gates for the Lake of Zurich regulation were commissioned, with a hydraulic head of 4.5 m. Huber passed away before inauguration of this impressive, still existing hydraulic structure in Zurich, however. Together with his partner Lutz, who continued affairs after Huber's death, he had founded a small successful sector in hydraulic engineering that is still of relevance today.
Gugler, H. (1945). Jakob Huber. Schweizerische Bauzeitung 126(7): 73. P
Huber, J. (1911). Automatische Stauund Abflussvorrichtungen. Schweizerische Bauzeitung
58: 181-202.
Huber, J. (1912). Selbsttätige Wehrverschlüsse und Überfälle für Wasserkraftanlagen. Weisse Kohle 5(12): 129-131; 5(13): 141-143.
Huber, J., Lutz, X. (1931). Patentbericht: Drehbar gelagerte schwimmfähige Kolkabwehrtafel. Zeitschrift Österreichischer Ingenieurund Architekten-Verein 83(33/34): 269.
Vischer, D.L. (2001). Huber, Jakob. Wasserbauer und Hydrauliker der Schweiz: 202-203.
Verbandsschrift 63. Schweizerischer Wasserwirtschaftsverband: Baden. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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