24.11.1927 Skalica/SK - 11.6.2004 Bratislava/SK
Ivan Grund graduated in 1950 as a civil engineer from the Slovak Engineering University SVST in Bratislava. He then moved in 1951 to the Water Resources Research Institute VUVH in Bratislava, then a branch of the Institute VUV in Prague, where he worked in the section of hydraulic engineering. Grund submitted in 1957 his PhD thesis on scour downstream of weirs to the Technical University of Bratislava. He took part in hydraulic research relating to the design of major hydraulic projects in Slovakia relating to the River Vah and the Danube. In parallel, he acted as an expert for the hydropower plant of Samara on Tigris River, Iraq.
Grund worked mainly in experimental hydraulics. Here thereby contributed to problems in spillways and energy dissipators. Later, he also took interest in river engineering, where he analyzed again experimentally morphological phenomena of typical rivers in Slovakia. Along with these studies, he investigated the stability of relatively steep rivers and means of improvement during flood flows. Grund published practically all his works in the Reports of the Institute of Bratislava or in local congresses. He was therefore one of the few engineers who actively participated in the reorganization of hydraulics and hydraulic research after the damages that were caused in his country during World War II.
Gabriel, P., Grund, I. (1966). Niektoré problémy odvádzania vod cez stavenisko zemných priehrad. Práce a štúdie 37. VÚVH: Bratislava.
Grund, I. (1957). Deformácie pohyblivého dna v podhatí. Teoteticko-experimentálna štúdia podobnosti. VÚVH: Bratislava.
Grund, I. (1962). Mechanická podobnost' pri modelovom výskume výmol'ov za hydrotechnickými stavbami. Práce a štúdie 15. VÚVH: Bratislava.
Grund, I., Gabriel, P. (1965). Vtoky priehradovej vodnej elektráme pri obojsmernom prúdení. Práce a štúdie 31. VÚVH: Bratislava.
Grund, I. (1971). Spádové stupne balvanité na štrkovom podlo í. Návrhové parametre prietočného profilu. Záverečná správa. VÚVH: Bratislava.
Grund, I. (1971). Využitie číslicového počítača pre prognózu vývoja deformácií pozdÍžneho profilu štrkonosného toku. Zbomík z konferencie, 20. výročie založenia VÚVH: Bratislava. Novak, P. (2005). Ivan Grund. Personal communication. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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