30.12.1938 Birkenhead/UK - 20.3.2007 Bristol/UK
Dennis Howell Peregrine joined the Mathematics Department of Bristol University in 1964, following his undergraduate and postgraduate training at Oxford and Cambridge Universities. He joined a small but strong group of applied mathematicians in fluid dynamics then headed by Leslie Howarth (1911-2001). Up to his death, Peregrine played a key role in maintaining and promoting the study of fluids thereby ensuring that Bristol University remained one of the British centers of excellence in this discipline.
Peregrine's knowledge in the subject of water waves was encyclopedic. He concerned himself with their generation, propagation and run-up, including their impact on coastal structures. His contributions are reflected in numerous publications among which his 1966 paper on the shallow-water wave theory is particularly notable. More recent results include extremely high wave impact forces such as the tsunami waves. The breaking of water waves is still under intense research, particularly as regards the energy dissipation process, the entrainment of air and sediment, and the generation of turbulence. Peregrine had a well developed physical insight and skill in mathematical modeling. In addition, he served as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Fluid Mechanics, where he processed an average of 50 research papers annually since 1981. He reached the retirement age in 2004 with little apparent change in his work-life balance. A successful event was held in 2005 in Bristol attracting colleagues from around the world to a series of lectures in recognition of his contributions.
Kerswell, R.R. (2007). Dennis Howell Peregrine. Personal communication.
Peregrine, D.H. (1966). Calculations of the development of an undular bore. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 25: 321-330.
Peregrine, D.H. (1976). Interaction of water waves and currents. Academic Press: New York. Peregrine, D.H. ed. (1981). Floods due to high winds and tides. Academic Press: London.
Peregrine, D.H., Jonsson, I.G., Galvin, C.J. (1983). Annotated bibliography on wave-current interaction. US Army Corps of Engineers. Coastal Engineering Center: Fort Belvoir VA.
Peregrine, D.H., Loveless, J.H. eds. (1991). Developments in coastal engineering. Symposium held at the University of Bristol. University: Bristol. faculty/madhp/+d.h.+peregrine&hl=de&ct=clnk&cd=2&gl=ch

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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