21.1.1915 Slavonski Brod/YU - 7.5.2003 Zagreb/YU
Mladen Žugaj graduated in 1939 as a civil engineer from the University of Zagreb. After World War II he was involved in the development of hydropower industry. In 1950 he joined Elektroprojekt, Zagreb to head the design of a number of schemes in Croatia. After having defended a habilitation thesis on The analysis of the gross hydropower potential in Croatia, he became in 1959 a Reader at the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy of Zagreb University, and he was in 1972 appointed professor of hydraulic engineering. Žugaj earned the degree of doctor in 1980. During these years, he also lectured on hydropower engineering at the Electrotechnical Faculty of Zagreb University and thereby set up a hydraulic laboratory, where schemes such as those of Vinodol, Zavrelje and Slapovi na Uni were investigated experimentally.
Following the death of one of his colleagues, Žugaj became the chief designer of the Vinodol hydropower scheme in Western Croatia. Much credit goes also to him for the optimum identification of locating hydropower projects: He demonstrated professional competence and skill in designing specific structures for which there was no international experience until then, particularly in the karst area. In parallel, ugaj was involved in international hydropower schemes, including various in Burma, Ethiopia and in Iran. He was a technical adviser of Elektroprojekt from 1959 to 2001, and until 1995 the head of its Technical Council. Žugaj, who retired from his university activities in 1985, was an active member of the Zagreb Association of Engineers and Technicians, and the Yugoslavian Association of Hydraulic Research. He also was a Editorial Board member of the Građevinar professional journal. Žugaj was awarded the Prize of the Federal Yugoslavian Government in 1949, the Medal of Work of the second order in 1952, the Nikola-Tesla-Award for scientific work in 1972, and the Medal of the Republic of Croatia with Silver Wreath in 1975.
Žugaj, M. (1975). Complex regulation and use of water: Treatment of multipurpose reservoirs.
Zagreb (in Croatian).
Žugaj, M. (1976). Location of pumped-storage hydro-electric plants and their related civil engineering problems. Građevinar 28(12): 517-530 (in Croatian).
Žugaj, M. (1981). Special analyses in hydraulic engineering. Zagreb (in Croatian).
Marušić, J. (2003). Prof. Dr. Sc. Mladen Žugaj, dipl. Ing. grad. Hrvatske Vode 43(11): 191-192 (in Croatian); also personal communication by Ranko Žugaj. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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