- DENMARK (see also List of Individuals)\14.9.1886 Fredensborg/DK - 21.12.1977 Helsingø´r/DK\Hans Peter Christensen graduated in 1911 as a naval engineer from the Technical University Berlin. He then joined the Orlogsværftet in Copenhagen and there considerably contributed to the Danish Navy. In 1919, Christensen joined the Danish Aviation Company and there continued his career until retirement in 1957. In parallel, he was appointed in 1919 director of the Nakskov dockyard and from there moved in 1925 to the Danish Confederation of Trade Unions, where he was also involved in naval design. From 1947 to 1953 Christensen presided over the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences; he was awarded in 1954 the Honorary Doctorate from the Danish Technical University. Then, from 1955 to 1970, he was a Member of the Danish Atomic Energy Commission.\Christensen was a marine engineer who contributed significantly to the needs of his country. For years, he was the managing director of the Danish Elsinore Shipbuilding & Engineering Company. He thereby collaborated intensively between the ship-building industry and naval research, and therefore may be considered an important individual among the Danish naval engineers. He presented his research results mainly in national journals or in congresses of naval engineers. He also was a Member of the Institution of Naval Architects, and the American Society of Naval Engineers.\Anonymous (1946). Industriraadets Formand, Direktør H.P. Christensen 60 aar. Tidsskrift for Industri 37(18): 237-238. PAnonymous (1977). Christensen, Hans Peter. Gyldendals Tibinds Leksikon 2: 220. Nordisk Forlag: København.Anonymous (1978). Direktør, Dr.techn. H.P. Christensen 1886-1977. Dansk Industri (1): 25. PChristensen, H.P. (1940). Om betydningen af et dansk staalog valsevaerk og de tekniske of ø´konomiske muligheder herfor. Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber: Kø´benhavn.Christensen, H.P. (1950). An experimental Danish marine gas turbine. Trans. Institution of aval Architects 92(2): 143-157.Christensen, H.P. (1972). Erindringer fra en ingeniø´rs liv i skibsbygningens og industriens tjeneste.Danmarks industriforening: Copenhagen.Fode, H. (1979). Christensen, Hans Peter. Dansk biografisk leksikon 3: 255-256. Gyldendal: Copenhagen.Hjort-Eriksen, K. (2007). Hans Peter Christensen. Personal communication. Royal Library: Copenhagen.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.