- DENMARK (see also List of Individuals)\20.10.1873 København/DK - 20.2.1939 København/DK\Jon Julius Munch-Petersen in 1897 graduated as a civil engineer from the Danish Polytechnic. He moved into practical engineering both in Denmark and in Central European countries. After return to the capital in 1905 he joined the Directorate of the Danish Water Service, and there met in 1906 Palle Bruun (1873-1910), then the hydraulics professor at the Danish Polytechnic, with whom he improved the harbor works of Moëns Klint Island in the Baltic Sea. Around 1908, Munch-Petersen was in charge of coastal defense along Bornholm Island. He was appointed in 1911 Lecturer in coastal engineering at the Danish Polytechnic and later took over as professor of hydraulic engineering until death. Munch-Petersen was from 1922 a Corresponding Member of the Lübeck Nordic Society, a Member of Union de Géodesique et Géophysique Internationale UGGI from 1935, and from 1937 a Member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences.\Munch-Petersen was a practical hydraulic engineer in charge of typical hydraulic works of Denmark. One of these was sand drift along coastlines, particularly of the islands in the Baltic Sea. Munch-Petersen thus proposed methods of sand stabilization with engineering methods. He in addition forwarded a simple computational approach to counter sand migration in maritime currents. This topic was discussed during the Baltic engineering Congress in Malmö in 1914. His results were widely applied in the Baltic States Latvia and Lithuania between the two world wars. Later in the 1920s and 1930s, Munch-Petersen published some standard works in hydraulic engineering.\Anonymous (1937). Munch-Petersen. 1 IAHR Congress Berlin 1: 15. PBech, C., ed. (1982). Munch-Petersen, J.J. Dansk biografisk leksikon 10: 102-103. Gyldendal. Engelstoft, P., Dahl, S. (1939). Munch-Petersen, Jon Julies. Dansk biografisk leksikon 16: 188-190. Schultz: Copenhagn.Husbergs, T. (1939). Jon Julius Munch-Petersen. Technisk Tidskrift 69(7): 79-80. P Munch-Petersen, J. (1921). Om vandkraftanlaeg i Danmark. Ingeniø´ren 30: 713-717. Munch-Petersen, J. (1922). Fundering grundlag for forelaesninger. TU: Copenhagen. Munch-Petersen, J. (1928). Broen over storstrø´mmen. Technical University: Copenhagen. Munch-Petersen, J. (1931). Praktisk hydraulik. TU: Copenhagen.Munch-Petersen, J. (1936). Vandlø´bsreguliering og kanalbygning. TU: Copenhagen. Munch-Petersen, J. (1937). Kulturteknisk vandbygning. Technical University: Copenhagen. Munch-Petersen, J.F. (2004). Jon Julius Munch-Petersen. Personal communication. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.