- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\22.12.1901 Clichy/F - 10.8.1985 Paris/F\Paul Bergeron graduated as a mechanical engineer from Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, Paris in 1924 specializing in hydraulic engineering. He became an associate of his father Louis Bergeron (1876-1948) in 1925, known for the graphical solution of water hammer problems. Paul eventually took over the society as director and contributed to the design of centrifugal pumps in particular, next to works in general hydraulics.\Bergeron analyzed the paradoxon of a submerged turnstile in pumps and the specific aspiration speed. Also he proposed to protect pumps against water hammer by a controlled closure using a pocket either by a flap gate or an exactly positioned bypass. Among his notable contract works were large pumping stations mainly for sewage schemes where he considered the effect of both particles lighter and heavier than water. Also, he was involved in a dredging design used at the port of Nantes and succeeded in sand transportation significantly more distant than with standard machinery. He thus added to the knowledge of pump performance both as a design engineer and as president of the section hydraulic machinery of COMART, and from 1969 to 1974 as the president of Société Hydrotechnique de France SHF. He also lectured at Ecole des Arts et Manufactures and at Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité, Paris. Bergeron was appointed Chevalier of Légion d'Honneur and was also awarded several decorations for active war participation.\Anonymous (1963). Paul Bergeron. Nouveau dictionnaire national des contemporains 2: 55.Robin: Paris. PAnonymous (1986). In memoriam: Paul Bergeron. Arts et Manufactures 373: 57. PBergeron, P. (1948). Considérations physiques sur l'influence des corps en suspension dans l'eau dans les turbo-machines hydrauliques. La Houille Blanche 3(1/2): 35-39.Bergeron, P. (1949). Complexité des phénomènes de coups de bélier sur les installations de pompage et essai de classification des solutions générales pour y remédier. La Houille Blanche 4(B): 724-732.Bergeron, P. (1950). Similitude des usures causées par des mixtures liquide-solide. La Houille Blanche 5(B): 716-729.Bergeron, P. (1953). Hydraulique appliquée. Société Française des Electriciens: Paris. Bergeron, P. (1961). La grande famille des turbines et des pompes. La Houille Blanche 16(2): 168-173.Guiton, P. (1985). Paul Bergeron. La Houille Blanche 40(8): 608-609. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.