10.1.1913 Cavaillon/F - 19.1.1989 Grenoble/F
Charles Blanchet graduated in 1936 as a civil engineer from the Grenoble Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Hydraulique. He was then a hydraulic engineer all over his career until retirement in 1979. He was associated with Laboratoire Dauphinois d'Hydraulique from 1937 and involved in hydraulic problems with Compagnie Nationale du Rhône CNR, and in 1950 appointed head of the hydraulic branch. In 1955, SOGREAH took over the former hydraulic installation, where Blanchet remained until 1971, finally as the head of the fluvial branch. During his long career, Blanchet investigated questions in river and navigation engineering, of hydropower installations and of multi-purpose schemes.
In his 1945 paper, Blanchet investigated the effect of changes in streamline direction in river flow. The paper is a mix of computation of backwater curves and local effects as produced by weirs, channel contractions and expansions and lateral discharge addition. Standard backwater curves predict the average flow characteristics in a prismatic river. Whenever the river geometry is subject to a variation, local effects become dominant. Then, the backwater curves of both the upstream and the downstream reaches must be connected at those points. Of particular interest are hydraulic controls at which a change of flow state may occur, which were investigated. The 1946 paper was directed to the stability of loose river sediment subjected by a water flow.
Anonymous (1949). 3 IAHR Congress, Grenoble. La Houille Blanche 4(9/10): 645-646. P
Blanchet, B. (2004). Charles Blanchet. Personal communication. P
Blanchet, C. (1945). Sur le problème des remous et des pertes de charge produits par les singularités dans les canaux et rivières. La Houille Blanche 1(1): 39-62.
Blanchet, C. (1946). Formation et destruction par un courant d'eau de massifs en pierres. La Houille Blanche 1(3): 141-149.
Blanchet, C. (1946). Technique de la construction des barrages en pierres lancées dans l'eau courante. La Houille Blanche 1(11/12): 393-405; 2(1/2): 41-47; 2(7/8): 322-325.
Blanchet, C. (1951). Les siphons de décharge dans les chambres d'eau. La Houille Blanche
6(B): 648-655.
Blanchet, C., Kravtzoff, W. (1951). Protection against the silting-up of the junction of a canal and a river. 4 IAHR Congress Bombay (23): 481-493.
Ribes, G., Blanchet, C. (1965). Les courants de densité et le projet de l'écluse de Mardyck à Dunkerque. La Houille Blanche 20(1): 48-52.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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