24.10.1894 Gray/F - 20.2.1947 Paris/F
Shortly after René Colomb had entered in 1914 Ecole Polytechnique he had to participate in World War I. Once his studies were finished he became collaborator of a French industrial company. Later, in the 1930s, Colomb was appointed director of Chambre Syndicale des Forces Hydrauliques in Paris, where he stayed until passing away. Before the French national electricity company Electricité de France EDF was founded in 1947, Colomb was there also a director in the French Alps region. Colomb was one the great French engineers who has considerably contributed to the reputation of his country both as a dam designer and a notable artist.
During his career for French electrification, Colomb has contributed significantly to the following hydro-electric schemes: Poët on Durance River taken in service in 1926, Sabart on the Vicdessos in 1929, Bissorte in the French Rhône-Alpes Department in 1935, Sautet Dam on the Isère River with then the maximum dam height of 128 m in 1935 also, Chambon Dam again on this river in 1937, just to name the most impressive structures. Like other French dam designers he sought a particular and original solution for each site, and thus setting novel standards in dam engineering. He may be compared with André Coyne (1891-1960), possibly the most famous designer worldwide and a French individualist of outstanding character. Besides, Colomb supported the French engineering journal La Houille Blanche right from the start of the new series in 1945, once World War II was over. Colomb had to reorganize the French electricity system and finally passed away resulting from overwork. Colomb definitely has honored the art of engineering.
Anonymous (1951). René Colomb. La Jaune et la Rouge 42: 11-12.
Billoux, C. (2006). René Fernand Colomb. Personal communication. Ecole Polytechnique: Paris.
Colomb, R. (1945). La chute de Bissorte. La Houille Blanche 1(1): 7-17. Dupin, J. (1947). René Colomb. La Houille Blanche 2(5/6): 249-250. honneurs-105.html+%22Colomb+Ren%C3%A9+Fernand%22&hl=de&ct=clnk&cd=1& gl=ch

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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