6.4.1924 La Tronche/F - 1.7.1995 Saint-Nicolas de Macherin/F
Elie Condolios graduated as a mechanical engineer from Ecole des Arts et Métiers, Paris, in 1945. He then joined Société NEYRPIC, Grenoble until 1955 as a hydraulic engineer, todays Société Grenobloise d'Etudes et Applications Hydrauliques SOGREAH, where Condolios was until 1971 chief engineer of its maintenance section. He then joined until being retired in 1985 ALSTHOM Engineering as a vice-director of the Materials and Mineral Division.
During his stay with NEYRPIC, Condolios was in charge of coal transportation from the Merlebach mining site. He was later occupied with material transportation in conduits for the Ponts et Chaussées Corps thereby defining the general resistance laws of solid flow. Several papers were published with Robert Durand (1922-1990). Later, Condolios tested procedures for material separation based on hydraulic principles. He also developed shaking techniques to separate two-phase solid-liquid mixtures. Another study used cyclones as a mixture separation method. Condolios applied his results to diamond fields of the Ivory Coast, the Central African Republic and in South Africa. He was also in charge of the 55 km long mineral transportation for the bauxite mine in Gardanne, France. Once Condolios had moved to ALSTHOM he took interest in the separation and classification of very fine material for industrial use with Turbiflux®. He developed procedures for rapid clarification of charged water with Clariflux®. Condolios added to the sludge concentration and compaction issued from chemical treatment. These methods were applied in phosphor mining sites. He was a Member of the French Group CORANO whose purpose is the hydraulic haulage of nodules from deep Sea.
Condolios, E., Chapus, E.E. (1963). Transporting solid material in pipelines. Chemical Engineering 70(2): 131-138.
Condolios, E., Couratin, P. (1970). Long distance pipeline transportation of solids in the mining industry. Hydrotransport 1(K1): 1-20.
Condolios, E., Terrier, A. (1972). Evolution des connaissances sur le transport en conduite des solides par saltation. 12 Journées de l'Hydraulique Paris Q4(R1): 1-10.
Condolios, H. (2004). Elie Condolios. Personal communication. P
Danel, P., Durand, R., Condolios, E. (1953). Introduction à l'étude de la saltation. La Houille Blanche 8(12): 815-829.
Durand, R., Condolios, E. (1954). Mesure des pertes de charge en eau claire dans des conduites de remblayage hydraulique. La Houille Blanche 9(6): 377-380.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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