23.2.1911 Toulon/F - 25.5.2005 Marseille/F
Alexandre Favre graduated from the Engineering School of Marseille and from Faculté des Sciences in Paris, where he submitted a PhD thesis in 1938. He was a Lecturer from 1945 and appointed in 1951 professor of statistical turbulence at the Marseille University, later at University of Aix-Marseille II. From 1960 to 1980 he was the director of Institut de Mécanique statistique de la Turbulence at the latter institution. In the mid 1960s, Favre was an invited professor to the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA. He was elected Corresponding Member of Académie des Sciences in 1971 and promoted to full Member in 1977.
Favre has mainly worked in turbulence theory and experimentation. He was the inventor of a variety of procedures and apparatus in this field. These include for example a supersonic compressor used in turbo-reaction machinery that was developed in World War II and patented only later for military purposes. His works included also research in plane hydrodynamic movements, an apparatus for the measurement of time and space correlations, and velocity correlations in a boundary layer. He was awarded a Prize from Académie des Sciences, Paris; he was a Member of Société des Mathématiques, of the French Association of Physics, and the American Physical Society. He was decorated Cavalier of Légion d'Honneur and was an Officer of the Order of the Academic Palms.
Anonymous (1966). Alexandre Favre. Nouveau dictionnaire national des contemporains 4: 206. P Anonymous (1986). Alexandre Favre. Personnalités de France: 240. Roissard: Grenoble. P Favre, A. (1939). Contribution à l'étude expérimentale des mouvements hydrodynamiques à deux dimensions. Gauthier-Villars: Paris.
Favre, A. (1954). Mesures statistiques de la corrélation dans le temps, premières applications à l'étude des mouvements turbulents en soufflerie. ONERA Publication 67.
Favre, A. (1955). Le laboratoire de mécanique de l'atmosphère de l'Institut de mécanique des fluides de Marseille. Journées de mécanique des fluides Marseille. Publications Scientifiques et Techniques du Ministère de l'Air 296, with bibliography.
Favre, A., Guitton, H., Guitton, J., Lichnerowicz, A. (1988). De la causalité à la finalité.
Maloine: Paris.
Leclant, J. (1999). Favre, Alexandre Jean Auguste. Le second siècle de l'Institut de France
1895-1995 1: 490. Institut de France: Paris.
Verollet, E., Dumas, R., Favre, A. (1961). Couche limite sur paroi plane poreuse avec aspiration.
Service de Documentation de l'Aéronautique: Paris.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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