28.7.1833 Bourges/F - 10.1.1927 Pau/F
Julien-Napoléon Haton de la Goupillière left Ecole Polytechnique in 1852 as a mining engineer. After having submitted a PhD thesis in mathematics, Haton became involved in the teaching at Ecole des Mines, first in general chemistry, then from 1856 to 1875 in mechanics and analysis. He was appointed professor of topography in 1857 and from 1872 to 1888 professor of machinery at Ecole des Mines. In parallel Haton lectured at Faculté des Sciences in Paris on physical and experimental mechanics. From 1887-1900, he was the director of Ecole des Mines and thus headed one of the Great Schools of Paris. In addition he presided over the Society of Encouragement for the national industry, and the French Society of Mathematics in 1890; he was a vicepresident of the General Council of Mines, was awarded in 1900 Grand Officer of Légion d'Honneur and was from 1884 a Membre libre of Académie des Sciences.
Haton's collected works published in 1911 include a large variety of topics treated in a long engineering career, such as Heating produced by the settlement of soils; On the similitude in thermology; On the cylindrical potential, with application to isothermal lines; and On a new theory of the geometry of mass. He also published a book on hydraulics and hydraulic machinery which was translated into German in 1887. Haton thus significantly contributed to mines, an important aspect of the French industrial wealth of the 19th century. He is known for his works relative to explosions in mines due to fire-damp. Also, he was able to combine the civil and mining engineering knowledge for water control in mines. As a practical engineer he supported the use of boilers to remove water in deep mines.
Haton, J.N. de la Goupillière (1887). Hydraulik und hydraulische Motoren. Translated by
V. Rauscher. Felix: Leipzig.
Haton, J.N. de la Goupillière (1889). Cours de machines. Dunod: Paris.
Haton, J.N. de la Goupillière (1900). La mécanique à l'Exposition de 1900. Dunod: Paris. Haton, J.N. de la Goupillière (1911). Thèses et mémoires divers. Dunod: Paris.
Ocagne, M. d' (1927). Paroles prononcées aux obsèques de M. Haton de la Goupillière, Inspecteur Général des Mines, Membre de l'Institut, Directeur Honoraire de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, Ancien vice-président du Conseil Général des Mines. Annales des Mines Série 12 11: 52-66. http://annales.org/archives/x/haton.html P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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