- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\18.5.1891 Paris/F - 22.11.1958 Paris/F\Henri Hupner passed through Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées to start in 1914 with the Navigation Service in Reims. From 1920 to 1930, Hupner was in Rouen an engineer of the Corps, and then continued in Agen as chief engineer until 1943, where he designed bridges and presented also a paper on the flood propagation in rivers. In 1943, Hupner was appointed Inspecteur Général des Ponts et Chaussées and was then responsible for dredging works in French rivers. From 1947 he headed the French Service of Large Dams and was thus involved in the golden era of French dam design. He was responsible for projects such as Bort, Tignes, and Donzère-Mondragon, which have become a milestone in modern design methods and harvested prestige in other European countries.\Hupner watched particularly on dam safety and introduced meticulous observational methods for dams. He of course participated in the various ICOLD Congresses held at Stockholm in 1948, in Bombay in 1951, where he headed the French delegation and in Paris in 1955 as an eminent member of the French National committee. Hupner was appointed president of Société française de Météorologie in 1950; he was a Member of the technical committee on the sea energy. His input to Société Hydrotechnique de France SHF was notable: As a Member of the Technical Committee from 1947 and a Council Member from 1948, he presided over the section Engineering and pipelines. In the early 1950s Hupner's interest was in flood flows of rivers. He was president of SHF in the term 1954/1955. Hupner was indeed a great servant of his country, therefore.\Anonymous (1955). Henri Hupner, Inspecteur Général des Ponts et Chaussées, Direction de l'Electricité et du Gaz, Membre du Comité Français des Grands Barrages. 5 ICOLD Congress Paris 1: 105. PAnonymous (1958). Henri Hupner 1891-1958. La Houille Blanche 13(B): 704-705. PAnonymous (1958). Henri Hupner. Travaux 42(9): 903. PHupner, H. (1936). Note sur la propagation des crues. Roneon: Agen.Hupner, H. (1951). Fissuration des betons de barrages: Resultats d'une enquette faite sur les principaux barrages français. 4 ICOLD Congress New Delhi Q15(R67): 355-379.Hupner, H. (1952). Les questions de transport hydraulique des matériaux et de débit solide dans les travaux publics et dans l'industrie. La Houille Blanche 7(B): 478-480.Hupner, H., Giguet, R., Peugeot, J.C. (1955). Le 5e Congrès International des Grands Barrages. Travaux 39(12): 823-836.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.