- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\18.6.1921 Paris/F - 29.11.2004 Clermont-Ferrand/F\Joseph Jacquet graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in 1941, participated in World War II and then joined Electricité de France EDF right at the year of its foundation in 1946. He was attached to the Direction des Etudes et Recherches and there was the head of its Hydrologic Division and finally a scientific Councelor of EDF. In parallel, he lectured at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées ENPC in Paris. He was elected in 1983 to the Académie d'Agriculture in Paris and there contributed to the environmental physics and chemistry. He was killed during a tragic car accident in front of his house.\EDF started working in environmental hydraulics in the early 1960s. In 1961, a laboratory was installed to investigate questions of atmospheric pollution. Questions in the warming up of waters by turbines and the consequences on the environment were first investigated. These works were conducted at the Montereau site close to Seine River, a large hydropower scheme thus having a significant impact mainly in summer when the river discharge was relatively small. The effects of heated water on the fishery and the hydrobiology in general were analyzed. From the 1970s, Jacquet directed four sections, namely circulation water cooling in thermal power plants, atmospheric pollution from thermal power plants, data acquisition for typical meteorological conditions, and applied meteorology for the prediction of atmospheric phenomena caused by large industries. From the 1970s also, a small group of biologists supported the research. A circle closed therefore for Jacquet, given his interest in hydrologic questions from the 1940s to 1960.\Bernier, J. (2005). Joseph Jacquet: Un demi-siècle au service de l'environnement. Personal communication. PJacquet, J. (1961). Les crues d'octobre 1960 dans le centre de la France. La Houille Blanche15(B): 686-694.Jacquet, J. (1971). Aspects généraux de la représentation mathématique des phénomènes en hydrologie de surface. La Houille Blanche 26(2): 105-110.Jacquet, J. (1981). Réflexions sur la protection des eaux contre les effets des déchets et effluents des centrales thermiques. Revue Française de l'Electricité 54(3): 8-15.Jacquet, J. (1984). Le développement de la recherche hydrologique en France en relation avec l'influence de l'homme sur le cycle de l'eau et la prévision des crues. La Houille Blanche 40(5): 315-321.Jacquet, J. (1990). Les grands mouvements climatiques. La Houille Blanche 45(1): 19-42.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.