18.9.1895 Saverne/F - 14.2.1978 Paris/F
Pierre Koch entered in 1914 Ecole Polytechnique but had to participate in World War I shortly later. He graduated from Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées only after the War, therefore. From 1923 to 1927 he was an engineer of the Corps at the port of Bordeaux. Later, Koch was associated with the water service of the capital, where he finally was appointed director and Inspecteur Général of the Corps. Koch was also a Doctor of Laws besides his engineering education. He was awarded the title Commander of Légion d'Honneur in 1952. Also, he presided over the French committee of International Association on Water Pollution Research and thus was a devoted European contributing to the improvement of its water quality.
Koch was responsible for both the water supply and the wastewater disposal of the Seine Department, including the French capital. His 1937 book on the sanitation of agglomerations saw various re-editions, as also his second book Sewer networks, first published in 1954. Besides, Koch also translated the city sanitation book of Karl Imhoff (1876-1965) into French. He further contributed various papers to sewer hydraulics. Koch was a professor of hydrology at Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées from 1950 and was considered the French specialist in matters relating particularly to wastewater treatment. He thus continued the French tradition in that technical field, although his predecessors in the 19th century, such as Alfred Durand-Claye (1841-1888) or Georges Bechmann (1848-1927) used a completely different approach.
Anonymous (1952). Pierre Koch. Travaux 36(7): 356. P
Anonymous (1962). Pierre Koch. Nouveau dictionnaire national des contemporains:
494. Robin: Paris. P
Koch, P. (1933). Justification de l'étude rationnelle du remous dans les aqueducs de forme circulaire, ovoïde ou analogue. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées 103(1): 153-202.
Koch, P. (1937). L'assainissement des agglomérations. Eyrolles: Paris.
Koch, P. (1941). L'assainissement des agglomérations - Son intérêt pour la collectivité. Travaux
25(11): 265-368.
Koch, P. (1954). Les réseaux d'égouts. Dunod: Paris.
Koch, P. (1965). Die Wasserversorgung von Paris. Wasserwirtschaft 55(6): 209-216.
Koch, P. (1969). Traitement tertiaire Advanced treatment ou paratraitement de l'eau. Travaux
51(9): 458-459.
Vibert, A. (1978). Pierre Koch. Techniques et sciences municipales 73(4): 215-216.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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