31.1.1928 Rohrbach/A - 18.4.1984 Tyrol/A
Adolf Mayrhofer graduated from the Technical University of Wien in 1954 as a civil engineer and there also submitted a PhD thesis in 1963. He moved after graduation to Bundesversuchsanstalt für Wasserbau BfW in Vienna as a research associate and was there appointed around 1970 Sektionsrat, where he took later over as director. He passed away during a ski tour in the Tyrolean Alps.
Mayrhofer conducted research of sediment transport in rivers. He investigated the river in equilibrium as was done for many rivers before. For a certain river discharge and a particular granulometry, the river width and the flow depth are interrelated. For equilibrium conditions, the main parameters must be adjusted such that the sediment inflow is carried by the flow to its outlet, thereby producing neither sediment deposition nor sediment erosion along the reach considered. By using the sediment transport formula of Meyer-Peter and Müller as developed at ETH Zürich in 1949, Mayrhofer related the main parameters for equilibrium conditions. He thus added to a significant problem of river engineering that had its origins mainly in Austria and in Switzerland. The 1970 paper reviews the main formulae for sediment transport in rivers, including those of the Swiss Eugen Meyer-Peter (1883-1969) and Robert Müller (1908-1987), and Hans Albert Einstein (1904-1973), and the Americans Anton A. Kalinske and Albert Shields (1908-1974). These relationships were developed for laboratory conditions and may be subject to variation when applied to natural rivers, where the river width, its slope and the granulometry may undergo changes and the formulae thus need appropriate adoption.
Anonymous (2003). Adolf Mayrhofer. Personal communication. Österreichischer Ingenieurund Architekten-Verein: Wien.
Hengl, M. (2004). Dr. Adolf Mayrhofer. Personal communication. P
Mayrhofer, A. (1959). Gesichtspunkte für die Gefälleregulierung erodierender Flüsse. 6 Convegno di Idraulica Padova A(25): 1-8.
Mayrhofer, A. (1963). Normalprofil und Ausgleichsgefälle geschiebeführender Flüsse. Wien. Mayrhofer, A. (1964). Normalprofil und Ausgleichsgefälle geschiebeführender Flüsse. Öster- reichische Wasserwirtschaft 16(7/8): 149-156.
Mayrhofer, A. (1970). Über Gesetzmässigkeiten des Geschiebetriebs. Österreichische Wasserwirtschaft 22(5/6): 170-184.
Wibmer, K. (1988). 25 Jahre Bundesanstalt für Wasserbauversuche und hydrometrische Prüfung in Wien. Österreichische Wasserwirtschaft 40(7/8): 169-175. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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