- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\1.7.1876 Rochemaure/F - 11.10.1965 Paris/F\Casimir Monteil graduated from Ecole Nationale des Arts et Manufactures in 1898 as an engineer. In 1906, he obtained the PhD title in mathematics from Sorbonne. In 1907, Monteil joined the Rateau turbine factory founded by Auguste Rateau (1863-1930) around 1900. In 1919 Monteil became a member of the directorate after having contributed to thermal machinery. After Rateau's death, Monteil was at the forefront of this establishment until 1943. Monteil was a Member of Société des Ingénieurs Civils de France all through his professional career, over which he presided in the 1930s. He was also president of Société des Anciens Elèves of Ecole des Arts et Métiers. By Légion d'Honneur, Monteil was awarded Cavalier in 1919, Officer in 1930 and Commander in 1937. At CNAM he left behind a gap once having retired.\In parallel to industrial work, Monteil also shared his knowledge with young people at various French institutions. From 1906 he was a collaborator of Maurice Lévy (1838-1910) at Ecole Centrale ECP, and then took over the courses of the latter in 1911 in applied mechanics and in hydraulics. From 1916 to 1941, Monteil was a professor of steam turbines at Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité, and presided over ECP Council from 1938 to 1944. From then to retirement, Monteil was director of Ecole Centrale. In the 1930s, Monteil's main occupation was his position at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers CNAM, first as a professor of thermal machinery including refrigeration. For him, such machinery could only be developed when understanding its internal physical processes. Monteil added considerably to the processes of heat transfer by accounting for rational mechanics, for hydraulics and for thermodynamic effects. He retired from position in 1946.\Anonymous (1962). Casimir Monteil. Nouveau dictionnaire national des contemporains: 623. PAnonymous (1995). Casimir Monteil. Arts et Métiers Magazine (12): 79. PMonteil, C. (1907). Débit d'un orifice circulaire. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées 77(3): 139- 150.Monteil, C. (1920). Principes généraux de thermodynamique et de mécanique des fluides.Dunod: Paris.Monteil, C. (1942). Cours d'hydraulique théorique. Dunod: Paris.Monteil, C. (1948). La thermodynamique et les machines thermiques. Société Française des Electriciens: Paris.Pluviose, M. (1994). Casimir Monteil. Les professeurs du Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers 2: 293-303, C. Fontanon, A. Grelon, eds. CNAM: Paris.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.