- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\21.3.1909 Paris/F - 27.7.1994 Grenoble/F\Robert Silber started his career with the Ministry of Air as a scientific collaborator. In his PhD thesis of 1938, he investigated model airplanes with a single screw to measure the power with a double coupling. After World War II, he investigated ventilators and aeromotors, and was awarded in 1945 Prix Dupin by Académie des Sciences. Shortly later he moved to Grenoble University as a collaborator of Félix Esclangon (1905-1956), where Silber was in charge of the hydraulics laboratory. He was there appointed hydraulics professor in 1954 and retired in 1974. From then, Silber was active for war disabled.\Silber is known for his work in backwater open channel flows, which were shortly later also considered by the American Ven Te Chow and who presented the Chow functions as a solution for almost arbitrary channel profiles. Before computers were available, backwater curves counted among the most tedious engineering calculations because a step procedure with long intermediate calculations was required. Backwater curves are an important issue in hydraulic structures and river engineering, mainly to predict the average flow features upstream of a hydraulic control. Today, these are basic problems solved numerically with standard computer programs. A particular difficulty in back-water computations arises close to so-called critical points where the flow undergoes either a change from subcritical to supercritical, or a change in the other direction. The standard hydraulic equations apply to flows with a hydrostatic pressure distribution but do not apply close to those critical points.\Anonymous (1966). Robert Silber. Nouveau dictionnaire national des contemporains: 610-611. Paris. PAnonymous (1986). Robert Silber. Personnaltés de France: 552. Roissard: Grenoble. PAnonymous (2007). Robert Vladimir Jean Silber-Farb. Marie de Paris 05, Paris.Esclangon, F. (1955). Laboratoire d'hydraulique et d'aérodynamique de l'Université de Grenoble. Publications Scientifiques et Techniques du Ministère de l'Air 296: 3-7.Silber, R. (1938). Etude de l'adaptation et du fonctionnement de l'ensemble planeur-moteurpropulseur. Institut Aérotechnique de Saint-Cyr Publication 123. Gauthier-Villars:Paris. Silber, R. (1950). Etude des écoulements permanents graduellement variés en canaux découverts. La Houille Blanche 5(B): 662-673.Silber, R. (1954). Etude et tracé des écoulements permanents en canaux et rivières. Dunod: Paris.Silber, R. (1955). Méthode générale d'étude des écoulements permanents à surface libre.6 IAHR Congress La Haye D(6): 1-18.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.