- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\20.3.1898 La Gua/F - 18.5.1978 Taillebourg/F\André Tenot graduated as a mechanical engineer from Ecole des Arts et Métiers ENAM in Angers, and continued studies in electrotechnics at Grenoble University as a student of Charles Camichel (1871-1966). From 1922 he was an engineer at the Forces Motrices in the Upper Rhine Department but three years later returned to Grenoble as a scientific collaborator of Ateliers Neyret & Beylier which later developed into NEYRPIC. Tenot was in 1926 appointed professor at ENAM, Châlons-sur-Marne, and in parallel was also a professor of hydraulic machinery at Ecole Supérieure de Mécanique et d'Electricité, Paris. Few other details on his career are actually known. He was awarded Prix Houdry by ENAM in 1932, two years later Prix Domange by the Society of the Civil Engineers of France, and in 1936 Prix Fourneyron by Académie des Sciences. In 1939 Tenot was awarded Prix Merville.\Tenot conducted in 1934 a large work on turbine runners associated with cavitation damage. First, the basics of cavitation were outlined relating to turbines and to pumps. Then laboratory experiments conducted in Châlons-sur-Marne were described. Finally, the results of these observations were presented thereby using a high-speed arrangement and a stroboscope for detailed description. Other works include a number of basic books on fluid mechanics and applied hydraulics mainly serving for university courses.\Anonymous (1939). Prix Merville à M. Tenot. Mécanique 23(9/10): 187. PPoggendorff, J.C. (1936). Tenot, André-Louis. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch 6: 2629; 8: 5373-5375. Verlag Chemie: Leipzig, with bibliography.Tenot, A. (1930). Turbines hydrauliques et régulateurs automatiques. Eyrolles: Paris.Tenot, A. (1931). Laboratoires de turbines hydrauliques en Europe et essais de cavitation. Mémoires et Comptes Rendus des Ingénieurs Civils de France 84: 1541-1581.Tenot, A., Mannevy-Tassy, G. (1934). Etude théorique et expérimentale des pompes-hélices et essais de cavitation. Science et Industrie 18(1): 29-31; 18(2): 65-68; 18(3): 89-93; 18(4): 125-129; 18(5): 159-162.Tenot, A. (1939). Mécanique des fluides appliquée. Dunod: Paris.Tenot, A., Chillon, P. (1949). Traité de mécanique générale et appliquée. Dunod: Paris.Tenot, A. (1961). Excercises numériques de mécanique des fluides et de thermodynamique.Blanchard: Paris.Tenot, F. (2004). André Tenot. Personal communication.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.