10.9.1889 Pettau/SI - 20.3.1935 Graz/A
Josef Ornig graduated as a civil engineer from the Technical University of Graz in 1913 and submitted a PhD thesis ten years later. After war service, he first joined the Public Works Office of Styria County to design the Enns River power plant and then the Styrian hydropower and electricity association STEWEAG where he headed the works of the Teigitsch hydropower station again in Styria. Later, he was appointed director of the STEWEAG Company. Ornig presided over the engineering chamber from 1932 to 1934. He passed away much too early due to a serious illness.
The contributions of Ornig were towards dam design in the first part of his career, with the Teigitsch power plant as the main dam structure involved. He presented in 1925 also a paper on general design bases relating to modern dam structures. Like for other Alpine countries, Austria's energy supply depends greatly on hydropower. The significant hydropower resources were utilized mainly after the Empire had come to fall in 1918. Large designs of Alpine dam schemes were planned to satisfy the increasing demand of electrical power and to cope with social problems originating from the economical crisis in the late 1920s. Ornig then was the Austrian representative of economical questions in hydropower energy. His book Österreichische Energiewirtschaft gives evidence of his talent. He was at the forefront in the reorganization of the Austrian energy problems. During his entire career, Ornig had a particular relation to his home county Styria of which he had determined the available water resources already in the early 1920s.
Anonymous (1935). J. Ornig. Elektrizitätswirtschaft 34(11): 252. P
Gabler, R. (1935). Ing. Dr.techn. Josef Ornig. Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau 53(18): 216. Ornig, J. (1921). Die Ausnützung der Wasserkräfte Steiermarks. Wasserkraft 16(2): 11-14; 16(3): 21-24.
Ornig, J. (1924). Der Stollen des Teigitschkraftwerkes. Zeitschrift des Österreichischen Ingenieurund Architekten-Vereines 76(45/46): 385-391.
Ornig, J. (1925). Der neuzeitliche Talsperrenbau. Zeitschrift des Österreichischen Ingenieurund Architekten-Vereines 77(29/30): 254-260; 77(31/32): 273-280.
Ornig, J. (1926). Stand und Zukunft der österreichischen Energieplanwirtschaft. Wasserwirtschaft
19(17): 525-528.
Ornig, J. (1927). Österreichs Energiewirtschaft auf Veranlassung des Wasserwirtschafts-Verbandes der österreichischen Industrie. Springer: Wien.
Steweag (1926). Das Teigitschwerk. Wasserwirtschaft 19(18): 549-566.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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