- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\22.3.1917 Amsterdam/NL - 29.12.2003 Dresden/D\Karl-Franz Busch graduated in 1951 from Dresden Technical University as a civil engineer and continued as an assistant to Ferdinand Zunker (1886-1956). He submitted a PhD thesis in 1954 and became a Lecturer in 1958. After Zunker's sudden death, Busch took over as professor of soil mechanics and water management in 1957. In 1963 he was appointed director of the Institute of urban hydraulics. Until retirement from the Dresden Technical University in 1981 Busch was able to build up the national center of urban hydraulics of the German Democratic Republic GDR. As an organizer of the so-called correspondence university courses, he developed urban hydraulics by accounting for issues relating to environmental engineering and pollution control. His courses were particularly important for students from third world's countries that often visited Dresden, among other cities in the former East Europe. Busch co-authored a well known book Geohydraulics, with a special chapter on the limitation of brown coal mining in the GDR to protect the groundwater resources.\The Bergakademie of Freiberg awarded Busch the Honorary Doctorate in 1977. Busch was among the most prominent scientists in groundwater hydraulics in the former GDR, and he warned politicians to stop groundwater contamination with extended mining activities. Busch was also awarded the title Verdienter Techniker des Volkes in 1961 and had received the Hubert-Engels Medal for an excellent thesis in 1955.\Anonymous (1982). Karl-Franz Busch. Technische Universität Dresden, Sektion Wasserwesen.GGV: Dresden, including over 50 pages and photos of Busch, with bibliography. PBusch, K.-F., Luckner, L. (1974). Geohydraulik. Enke: Stuttgart.Hessmann, X. (1961). Karl-Franz Busch Verdienter Techniker. Wasserwirtschaft-Wassertechnik11(4): 145. PLuckner, L. (1992). Zum 75. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. Dr.-Ing.E.h. Dipl.-Gwl. Karl-Franz Busch. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift TU Dresden 41(4): 90-91.Mull, R. (1992). Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. Dr.-Ing.E.h. Karl-Franz Busch 75 Jahre. Wasser und Boden44(3): 173. PPohl, R. (2004). Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. Dr.-Ing.E.h. Dipl.Gwl. Karl-Franz Busch. Personal communication.Such, W. (1987). Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil Dr.-Ing.E.h. K.-F. Busch 70 Jahre. Wasser und Boden39(3): 139.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.