- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\25.8.1869 Karlsruhe/D - 19.4.1921 München/D\Rudolf Camerer graduated as a mechanical engineer from Darmstadt University. He spent his first years with the German turbine furnisher Briegleb, Hansen and Co in Gotha, where Wilhelm Hansen (1832-1906) was a director. Camerer was appointed in 1902 associate professor of the Munich Technical University TUM and there lectured on the Theory and design of water turbines. He was promoted to full professor in 1906 and in 1912 he founded the TUM Hydraulic Institute with at the time the largest hydraulic laboratory worldwide. Oscar Poebing (1882-1956) was an assistant of Camerer.\Camerer introduced in 1902 the specific number of revolutions for turbo machinery, allowing for a distinction between relatively low and high revolving turbines. In 1914, he published the book on fluid turbo-machinery, which for a long time was the standard text in this field of hydraulics. He later investigated the technical behavior of axial pumps developed by the Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg MAN turbine furnisher. His laboratory included four pumps with a maximum discharge capacity of 2.2 m3/s and hydraulic heads of up to 18 m. Besides to turbines, Camerer also experimented with velocity meters as developed by Reinhard Woltman (1757-1837) and then fabricated by Ludwig Ott (1883-1946). Camerer was also involved in the design of the hydropower scheme Mittlere Isar of Bavaria and there investigated the energy dissipation at the base of a weir, the siphon design, sediment movement in intakes, and energy losses of combining channels. These works were successfully continued by the successor Dieter Thoma (1881-1942).\Anonymous (1906). Dr. R. Camerer. Umschau 10: 438. PAnonymous (1968). Technische Hochschule München 1868-1968. Oldenbourg: München. Camerer, R. (1902). Neue Diagramme zur Turbinentheorie. Springer: Berlin.Camerer, R. (1906). Einheitliche Bezeichnungen im Turbinenbau. Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Turbinenwesen 3(2): 21-25.Camerer, R. (1907). Ölreibung in Röhren. Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Turbinenwesen 4(31): 461-467.Camerer, R. (1913). Beiträge zur Berechnung der Zentripetal-Francisturbinen. Springer: Berlin.Camerer, R. (1914). Vorlesungen über Wasserkraftmaschinen. Engelmann: Leipzig.Camerer, R. (1918). Vergleichende Betrachtungen zu den Widerstandsformeln für Wasser-Strömungen. Zeitschrift für Gesamte Turbinenwesen 15(30): 255-258; 15(31): 261-264. http://www.lhm.mw.tu-muenchen.de/hm/allgemeines/geschichte/camerer_de.html P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.