11.4.1857 Tarnov/PL - 8.3.1918 Innsbruck/A
Theodor Pawlik, who was born in today's Poland, studied civil engineering at the Vienna Technical University until 1880. He then joined the Austrian governmental public service and was transferred to Tyrol county in 1882, following the disastrous floods where he was engaged first at Imst, and then in the Eisack Valley. From 1884, he was a county engineer in Feldkirch. Like Johann Mairhofer (1842-1909) or Artur Oelwein (1837-1917), he was also involved in the large Alpine Rhine River along the Austrian-Swiss border. Based on the 1892 international treaty, these two countries agreed on common rehabilitation works that would reduce serious floodings in the Rhine Valley. Works of the Austrian sector started in 1894 and related to the Fussacher Cut resulting in a direct passage of the Rhine into Lake of Constance. Today, the border line is not along this reach but follows the Old Rhine River, therefore. Pawlik was the head of the Austrian works in Bregenz, thus in the delta region of the Rhine river into the lake. Once the Fussacher Cut was finished, Pawlik took over the direction of the Alpine Rhine works from Philipp Krapf (1854-1939) in 1905. Pawlik was thus greatly involved in the design and execution of the inland canal Rheintal Binnenkanal. He was awarded after these successful and not simple hydraulic works the Cavalier's Cross of the Franz-Josef Order in 1910.
In 1911, Pawlik was transferred to the headquarters of Tyrol County in Innsbruck, where he was in charge of regulation works for the Inn River. The Inn River has its sources in Eastern Switzerland close to St. Moritz, runs then along the Lower Engadin to the Austrian border and from Landeck eastwards through the Tyrol, passes the border to Bavaria at Kufstein and then forms the border between Austria and Germany to run in Passau into Danube River. The Inn River is known for great floods that were reduced mainly in the 19th century, also during the Arlberg Railways were designed. Pachner was promoted to Oberbaurat in 1913 and awarded the Cross of War for civil merits. Following an illness in 1917, Pawlik had a stroke which led to his premature death.
Anonymous (1918). K.k. Oberbaurat Ing. Theodor Pawlik. Österreichische Wochenschrift für den Öffentlichen Baudienst 24(36): 426. P
Pawlik, T. (1905) Beitrag zur Ermittlung der Hochwassermenge aus den ombrometrischen Beobachtungen. Österreichische Wochenschrift für den Öffentlichen Baudienst 11(14): 214-222.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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